1. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les criquets et les escargots peuvent être un grave problème pour toute sorte de pépinière, car ils rongent les tendres tiges des jeunes plantules. Les chenilles peuvent aussi causer des dégâts, mais plus sur la tomate et le chou que sur le piment. De nombreux...
  2. Ressource principale Vous voulez aider les gens dans les tropiques. Fantastique! Les tropiques vous attendent à bras ouverts. Peu importe vos compétences et talents, vous pouvez améliorer la vie des gens dans les tropiques. L’intérêt que vous manifestez pour le bien-être physique et spirituel des gens peut se...
  3. 01/01/1985 This manual discusses the biology, economic status, and management of insects, diseases, nematodes, weeds, and vertebrates important to crop production in California. Photographs and other illustrations are intended to help the reader identify important pests and their damage, an essential first...
  4. 01/01/2008 This booklet ispart of the training that strategically addresses knowledge gaps in cocoa production. New management approaches, based on sound agronomic practices and integrated pest and disease management strategies have been developed to assist farmers to optimise their cocoa production....
  5. FAO definition: Integrated Pest Management (IPM)means the careful consideration of all available pest control techniques and subsequent integration of appropriate measures that discourage the development of pest populations and keep pesticides and other interventions to levels that are...
  6. 18/10/2019 Lorsque le sujet de la lutte contre les ravageurs agricoles est mentionné, la plupart des gens pensent d’abord à la surveillance des ravageurs ou à l’intervention visant à réduire les ravageurs: le dépistage, l’identification des ravageurs et / ou l’application de pesticides sont des pratiques...
  7. View a how-to video for using natural enemies against the devastating millet head miner. Factsheet
  8. The fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is becoming a household name around the world, but not for good reasons – the pest, native to the tropical and subtropical Americas, devours over 300 plant species, including maize, which feeds millions of people every day. In Africa alone, the fall...
  9. Ressource principale 01/01/1995 This book is a must reading for all farmers and gardeners in southern Africa region- small scale, large-scale, commercial and subsistance farmers alike. This book aims to return us to a new co-operation with nature by offering a number of tried and tested methods to establish a long-term healthy...
  10. Ressource principale 24/07/1992 Part of a series, this book is written principally for extension staff and other agricultural development officers, teachers and trainers who act in a similar capacity. Each book provides the background, information and knowledge necessary for a basic understanding of an aspect of agriculture,...