1. 19/05/1991 Assessing low-external-input farming techniques Bontoc rice terraces Pleasant strategies to deal with risk Africa's soils are being mined Local economies From data collection to farmer assessment Soil erosion Natural grass strips Soil fertility techniques Beans Agroforestry New approaches to...
  2. 01/01/1989 Ce papier examine la nature complexe de problčmes du casse-pieds et évalue chimique et contrôle du nonchemical. Les objectifs d'IPM est réparti, avec ses réalisations courantes et son futur comme une stratégie du casse-pieds - contrôle. Bien que le papier accentue agriculture, les concepts et...
  3. 01/01/1985 Le contrôle de l'insecte est l'effort a fait protéger des récoltes, animaux, ou autres cibles d'attaque de l'insecte de blessure inacceptable ou perte. Si ŕ populations de l'insecte destructrices sont permises de causer considérable dégât ou blessure ŕ leur hôte de la cible, perte économique ou...
  4. 19/11/1986 Integrated pest management - Nicaragua Insecticial plants Biological control Do small farmers have effective alternatives to chemical pesticides Natural crop protection based on local resources Natural enemies wanter Mexican farmers sell organic coffee
  5. 19/03/1989 Religious ceremonies have practical value in Sri Lanka Brazilian farmers - composting helps to prevent pests Schoolboys assist farmers as IPM scouts in the Philippines Integrated pest management Ancient methods Natural crop protection Rice cultivation Herbal preparations Understanding plant...
  6. 19/05/2022 A quick overview of the different categories of common crop pests and diseases, and tools for identifying them.
  7. 19/12/1997 Integrated pest management in Latin America Developments in crop protection Natural Pest Management in Zimbabwe Chinese rice farmers Integrated rice-duck cultivation in Vietnam Trapping the red hairy caterpillar in India Food security and local production of biopesticides in Cuba Natural...
  8. 20/12/2001 Genetic engineering Biotechnology GMO-free breeding for organic agriculture SRI The push-pull system GM soybeans Organic cottonproduction Plants protecting other plants Farming futures in India
  9. 01/01/1998 *Disponible solo en español. Esta colección de 6 libros incluye información sobre: Plantaciones de arboles Bloques Nutricionales Manejo Integrado de Plagas Biodigestor Abonos Organicos Manejo seguro de plauicidas