1. THis book reports much that is new from the research of scientists in the Department and elsewhere. It tells many things we all need to know about food.
  2. This publication reports on the National Multisectoral Nutrition Action Plan that was developed in Tanzania to combat malnutrition.
  3. This book unfolds the arguments, explains the materials, and comments on the cultivation and the household preparation of leaf resources.
  4. The emphasis of the booklet is to encourage self-help efforts, and to empower individiuals to make wise decision, in addressing their food and nutrition problems.
  5. This book is in three section. Section 1. looks historically at known available indigenous foods prior to the 16th century when exotic foods made dramatic incursions into West Africa, the origins of a large variety of foods in the region and an analysis of the impact of these exotic foods on...
  6. Most people tend to think of healthy eating as a minefield of do's and don'ts, but Eat Better Live Better shows how food should be seen as something to be enjoyed as well as being good for you. Good health depends on what people eat and how much exercise they take. Using this book, you can get...
  7. Deep Nutrition identifies the foods and techniques common to every culture and divides them into four categories, calledthe Four Pillars of World Cuisine. From the Maasai and ancient Egyptian to the Japanese and the French, you'll learn how the same four pillars form the foundation of all the...
  8. 26/04/2019 Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé comment notre planète pourrait soutenir un régime alimentaire nutritif pour tous? Un nouveau rapport, publié en janvier par 37 scientifiques qui composent la «Commission EAT-Lancet sur l’alimentation, la planète et la santé», propose une façon de manger qui pourrait «...
  9. 01/04/2009 Aflatoxin in the Diet Makes the Progression of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Much Worse How Can a Diet Rich in Phosphorus Lead to Phosphorus Deficiency and Other Deficiencies? Effect of Neem Leaf Extract on N-Fixing in Beans Artemisia in the News Again Baobab Gardens for "Leaf Production Indigenous...