1. 20/12/2006 The System of RiceIntensification and its implications for agriculture Managing pests through plan diversification Powdered rock to revitalise soils The Mambwe mound cultivation system Managing organic resources for soil amendment Conservation Farming in rural Zimbabwe Improving the jhum system...
  2. Lightning Talk, ECHOEast Africa Pastoralist Symposium, March 29, 2022. Presenter: Loupa Pius
  3. The world is witnessing major shifts in dietary patterns and--in parallel--a signficant threat to agricultural biodiversity. The implications for human health and the resilience of our food systems are far reaching. As this paper shows, these two phenomena are interconnected. It calls for action...
  4. This booklet is targeted at public and private advisory institutions providing support to rural communities, in particular adviser involved with developing and enhancing revenue-generating rural enterprises for farmers. The booklet focuseson promoting transport and traction services as a viable...
  5. Abstract, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems,2020 On-farm diversification is a promising strategy for farmers to adapt to climate change. However, few recommendations exist onhowto diversify farm systems in ways that best fit the agroecological and socioeconomic challenges farmers face....
  6. Recurso clave 20/1/2019 The analysis in this report highlights that although these questions can be formulated in relatively simple terms, they certainly do not have simple answers. In fact, the two main conclusions that can be drawn from our research both highlight this point. First, the specific context in which a...
  7. 20/4/2014 Harry van denescribió en respuesta al artículo sobre aversión al riesgo que apareció en EDN 121, sobre “… hasta donde la aversión al riesgo puede haber sido y aún es sobreestimada a expensas del hambre y el agotamiento, como un importante factor limitante de la productividad agrícola. “Si bien...
  8. 20/4/2014 No hay ninguna duda en mi mente acerca de que los productores de África Occidental quieren el desarrollo si eso significa, entre otras cosas, una agricultura más productiva. Por supuesto que ellos preferirían cosechar siete en vez de tres sacos de sorgo por hectárea. Si eso es así, ¿por qué...
  9. In a perfect world, everyone would have access to nutritious, affordable food. However, as Rick Bates knows, there is no such thing as utopia when it comes to food security, as millions of people around the world have limited food resources. One of those places is Cambodia in Southeast Asia, one...