1. 19/10/1996 CINDY FAKE with Foodfor the Hungry in Mozambique wrote about her experiences controlling locusts with a tea made from leaves of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica). Meg LaVal in Costa Rica wrote of her successes withvermicomposting, or using worms to create compost quickly. “I have worked...
  2. 1/1/2020 El vermicompost contiene una cantidad considerable de organismos biológicos capaces de controlar enfermedades de las plantas en la superficie foliar. Este estudio, efectuado en ECHO en el suroeste de Florida durante la primavera de 2011, se realizó con el fin de evaluar el potencial de los tés de...
  3. La vermicultura o lombricultura es una técnica útil para reciclar los desechos de la cocina y el ganado en un fertilizante orgánico rico, para producir alimentos con alto contenido de proteínas para las aves de corral e iniciar un lucrativo negocio de venta de lombrices y vermicompostaje para la...
  4. University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator Marjorie Peronto discusses the benefits and best methods of worm composting. Excellent information on using worms to make good stuff for your garden.
  5. ABSTRACT - Journal of Compost Science and Utilization, 2017 The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of application of different organic fertilizers (general organic fertilizer, GOF; biogas residue, BR; refined organic fertilizer, ROF) as compared to no fertilizer on the composition of...
  6. ABSTRACT - Journal of Composting Science and Utilization, 2017 Earthworm digested wastes (vermicompost) are being produced in increasing quantities to make farming sustainable. A study was carried out for two consecutive years (2007–09) at the Agricultural Experimental Farm of Indian Statistical...
  7. AccessAgriculture Training Video El compost de lombrices aumenta la fertilidad del suelo y ayuda a producir más hortalizas en suelos pobres y salados. Aquí aprenderemos a hacer compost de lombrices rápida y fácilmente en una pequeña parcela de tierra. Idiomas disponibles Ateso Aymara Bambara...
  8. This section looks at the way in which soil quality can be maintained and improved through a number of techniques including the use of fertilizer, manure and compost.
  9. 6/2/2018 Speaker Bios: Dr. Salvacion Jaguio Legaspi finished her BS Agriculture (Plant Breeding) at the University of the Philippines Los Banos (UPLB), MS Agronomy at Capiz State University (CapSU) and Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture (Plant Physiology) at UPLB. She is currently the Director of the...
  10. 20/1/2017 Using worms to create Living Soil results in : Nutrition: Delicious, nutrient-rich plants. Vitality: Plants growing in living soils are inherently stronger and need less protection, allowing low input food production methods to be used. Drought tolerance: Nutrients are in colloidal states rather...