1. This animation explains how to avoid insect damage when storing beans after harvest using the jerrycan method. Beans can be stored in an airtight jerrycan for long periods of time safely. The jerrycan being used must be completely clean and free of any contaminants. It can never have been used...
  2. La manteca de karité es una grasa color marfil o amarillenta que se extrae de las nueces del árbol karité (Vitellaria paradoxa), que se encuentra en el África Occidental. La manteca o mantequilla de karité se usa en cosméticos, incluida la crema hidratante, así como en alimentos como el...
  3. In collaboration with the Global Youth Groove Band (GYGB), SAWBO is proud to present the Jerrycan Bean Storage Music Video. This song was written and recorded in Kenya by GYGB, and contains a mix of English and Swahili lyrics. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based...
  4. This animation explains how to transport grains using best practices for bulk transportation. It deals with how to prepare the truck beds and the use of tarps to minimize postharvest losses during transportation of the grain. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based...
  5. This animation explains how to transport grains using best practices for bag transportation. It deals with how to prepare the truck beds and the use of tarps to minimize postharvest losses during transportation of the grain.
  6. This video shows why the prices change for agricultural products. Many factors influence the price of an agricultural commodity. A farmer should be aware of all the factors that affect the supply and demand of his crop, as these will influence the price.
  7. An agricultural value chain is a system of people that work in various stages in crop production. The value chain contains every person that works to get the crops from the farm where they were planted, to the consumer that will end up eating them. This animation explains the importance of each...
  8. This animation explains a method to test if your grain has a low enough moisture level for you to store it. This technique utilizes salt to help determine the moisture level in your grain. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based program. SAWBO transforms extension...
  9. Shea is an important product for women in the shea belt, which ranges from Senegal in West Africa to Ethiopia in East Africa. However, if the raw shea nuts are not properly processed then the resultant stored nuts and derived products are of poorer quality. The following animation demonstrates...
  10. 1/1/1975 TIPS FOR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES : TOOLS, PRESERVING, DRYING, FREEZING, STORING By the editors of organic gardening and farming. 48 pages, illustrated, photos