1. 1/1/1985 Las industrias lecheras en muchos países industrializados han desarrollado los medios detallados en un esfuerzo a: (1) excepto la labor que es abundante y barato en la mayoría de los países en desarrollo; (2) proporcione protección para el ganado y sus conserjes de frío en invierno; y (3)...
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video we learn the important steps needed to produce good quality yoghurt, whether for home consumption or for sale. Available languages Arabic Ateso Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga English French Kalenjin Kikuyu Kiswahili Luganda Luo...
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video La producción de leche es una buena fuente de alimentos e ingresos para muchos hogares, pero para ganar dinero, es importante producir buena leche y bastante. Sin embargo, la leche puede ser fácilmente arruinada o ensuciada y luego los compradores la rechazan....
  4. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las plantas lecheras modernas compran leche fresca de los agricultores y de los pastores para hacer varios productos. La empresa paga un precio justo, pero requiere de estricta higiene: solo compra leche fresca y limpia. Idiomas disponibles Bangla Bemba Chitonga...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Milk spoils because of germs that are too small to see. The germs grow in the milk and spoil it. Germs multiply faster in warm milk than in cold milk. So move the milk to the collection centre within 30 minutes of milking, or the milk will start to spoil. ...
  6. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las modernas plantas lecheras usan leche pura y fresca para hacer leche en polvo, queso, yogurt y otros productos. La planta de procesamiento solo puede hacer sus productos a partir de leche pura. Cuando se agrega agua, la leche es diluida, o debilitada, y ya no...
  7. 1/1/1999 Organic Dairy Farmingpresents the methods of practicing farmers who are Runited in their conviction that organic agriculture is the best alternative for farmers who want to ensure that future generations will still have the resources to feed themselves and that it also represents the best hope...
  8. 20/1/2008 This Agrodok booklet helps smallholders increase profits from dairy farming. It offers advice on how a combination of better management and genetic improvement of the herd can contribute to increasing milk production. With extensive information on other main aspects of dairy farming such as...
  9. 1/1/2011 This book is an introduction to the tools and ideas available to organic or transitioning dairy farmers, and offers practical information on making the decision about organic certification, maintaining soil health, crop production and grazing management, selecting and maintaining the health of...
  10. 1/1/1983 This publication is a handbook and reference source for the farmer and all the members of the dairy herd health team. The members of your herd health team include: the veterinarian, milking equipment dealer, nutritionist, extension agent, A.I. technician, sanitarian and banker.