La agricultura sintrópica es un intento de producir alimentos o cultivos comerciales y, al mismo tiempo, rehabilitar y regenerar la tierra. Las promesas de la agricultura sintrópica son muchas: grandes rendimientos; múltiples fuentes de ingresos; uso óptimo de la tierra; sin necesidad de insumos externos; mejora de la calidad del suelo; deshierbe mínimo; resiliencia de las plantas debido a la biodiversidad; y una mejor gestión del agua, tanto en épocas de extremas lluvias o sequías. Sin embargo, la agricultura sintrópica puede ser complicada de entender y aplicar. Requiere un conocimiento profundo de los procesos biológicos, acceso a muchos tipos diferentes de semillas y una gestión cuidadosa.

--Dawn Berkelaar

  1. 20/11/2019 Session :Syntropic farming is a high-yield agroforestry method that also results in soil regeneration. It produces an abundance with almost zero inputs after the initial planting. Roger will discuss five example farms in Haiti in various locations in the Central Plateau region which are between...
  2. 20/1/2019 Reseña por Dawn Berkelaar ECHO cuenta con una amplia red de expertos agrícolas que trabajan en diversas áreas de la producción y el desarrollo. Muchos miembros contribuyen a nuestras distintas publicaciones y recursos, a menudo escribiendo o contribuyendo a nuestros documentos existentes. Algunos...
  3. 27/1/2020 Después de leer la reseña de la Manual de Agricultura Sintrópica en EDN 145, Roger Gietzen tuvo algunas ideas más para compartir sobre este tema.
  4. The agroforestry movement is growing fast under the Brazilian sun. In all corners of the country, people are now turning bare lands into bountiful food forests. All of them inspired by one man who, 40 years ago, set out to plant a system that would take agroforestry to a higher stratum.His name...
  5. "Life in Syntropy" is the new short film from Agenda Gotsch made specially to be presented at COP21 - Paris. This film put together some of the most remarkable experiences in Syntropic Agriculture, with brand new images and interviews.
  6. Aloha Syntropica fosters regeneration agroforestry based on syntropy through research, education, demonstration, and community engagement. Syntropy is the ability of life to generate complex order, accumulate energy, and create more life through nature's interconnected dynamics of collaboration....
  7. Abstract,ResearchGate, 2018 The experiment aims to implement a sustainable system that will allow long - term research to evaluate the productive behavior of vegetables, fruits and trees, as well as to observe issues related to compaction and soil moisture content. Based on agroforestry...
  8. Most of the information available on Syntropic Agroforestry is in Portuguese. In late-2018 English language content slowly became more widely available. I'm attempting to collect all of the English language resources in one easy to access location. Multi-strata agroforestry, agrofloresta and...
  9. Most of the information available on Syntropic Agroforestry is in Portuguese. In late-2018 English language content slowly became more widely available. I’m attempting to collect all of the English language resources in one easy to access location. Multi-strata agroforestry, agrofloresta and...
  10. 2/3/2023 This video was contributed by Bryan Beachy. In the video, Bryan provides commentary over a time lapse of his syntropic agriculture system in Haiti.
  11. 14/3/2023 Earlier this February we established a Syntropic Agroforestry planting on the farm. Syntropic systems are characterized by high density plantings of food, biomass, timber, and support species. Not only are these designed to fill different strata in the canopy layers, but they are also meant to...

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