1. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les producteurs de manioc au Thaïlande et au Vietnam réduisent l’érosion du sol sur des pentes en plantant des bandes d’herbe le long des contours. Les haies placées sur les contours ralentissent la vitesse de l’eau qui descend de la pente et permettent à l’eau de...
  2. Ressource principale
    14/11/2012 L’UNCCD estime que plus de 250 millions de personnes sont touchées par la dégradation des terres et qu’environ 1 milliard de personnes dans plus de 100 pays sont à risque. Selon l’OMM, 33% de la superficie terrestre de la planète est vulnérable à la dégradation des terres. Elle estime notamment...
  3. 01/10/2000 64 pages, illustrated, photos Policy and Best Practice Document 7
  4. 01/06/2000 The FAO Programme for Community IPM in Asia, June 2000 101 pages, illustrated
  5. 01/01/2003 In this 7th Annual Report, the Soil Management CRSP describes how it enables customers to make better nutrient, carbon, water and overall land management decisions on a global scale. Project Year 7, Annual Progress Report 64 pages, illustrated
  6. 01/11/1994 A collection of ideas identified from "Secrets of the Soil" to be shared with others to empower them. Compiled by Development Services Department, World Vision Australia 47 pages, illustrated
  7. Soil resources depletion is a widespread, direct threat to the sustainability of agricultural production. Dramatic changes in soil managment concepts are needed to counter the threat. This manual proposes options for such changes, addressing a very broad variety of topics related to agricultural...
  8. This book consideres tropical as well as temperate-region crops and discusses the specific soil management problems of subsistence farmers in tropical countries.
  9. Readers will survey the challenges of decreasing per-capita food production in Sub-Saharan Africa with a multidisciplinary team of soil scientists, agronomists, economists, anthropologists, and foresters. The book begins with the conceptual approach of investing in natural resource capital,...
  10. This book is meant to help agricultural researchers and extension staff in the selection and application of tools that facilitate decision-making to improve soil fertility management and agricultural productivity. These tools provide valuable additions to traditional approaches in research and...