1. 20/01/2021 The Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics publishes papers dealing with original research and review papers in the fields of plant production, animal nutrition and animal husbandry, soil science, rural economy and farm management, forestry and forest economy,...
  2. 01/01/2001 In this volume, reports from three regional or global partnerships are featured: Consortium for the Sustainable Development of Natural Resources in the Andes, Global Initiative on Late Blight, and Strategic Initiative on Urban and Periurban Agriculture. Each partnership reflects the direct...
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les agriculteurs utilisent la sciure de bois pour stocker les pommes de terre car ils n'ont pas d'électricité. Ils peuvent obtenir de la sciure de bois moins chère et l'utiliser pour conserver leurs pommes de terre jusqu'à ce qu'elles puissent les vendre à un bon...
  4. 06/04/2021 Apios americana est une plante grimpante vivace et membre de la famille des légumineuses (Fabaceae).La plante, originaire de l'est de l'Amérique du Nord, était largement cultivée par les Amérindiens pour ses tubercules et ses graines comestibles.Sa préférence pour le support en treillis rend la...
  5. 26/11/2019 Session: Potatoes and sweet potatoes play a big role as a staple and nutritious food, as well as a source of farmer incomes in the densely populated highlands of sub-Saharan Africa. They are grown by small family farms mainly intercropped with beans and maize. Per capita, potato annual...
  6. An examination of all Tuberarium with a systematic treatment of them. 606 pages, illustrations
  7. 14/11/2018 Despite the incredible diversity of useful plants that exist, a small handful of crops feed the majority of the world and millions of people still suffer from malnutrition and poverty. This talk will discuss some often overlooked crops that have the potential to alleviate suffering through...
  8. 01/01/1983 This paper presents evidence that substantial progress has been made during the past decade in breeding varieties of tomatoes, potatoes, and Chinese cabbage that are tolerant to high temperatures and product satisfacory yieldsin the humid lowland tropics.
  9. 01/01/1977 This publication discusses how to grown sweet and irish potatoes.