1. This book is a study on economic conditions of Gujar Bakrawallah, pastoral people from Jammu and Kashmir. The book is divided into three parts with each chapter marking a landmark in the habitat, economy and society of the transhumants of the North-Western Himalayas.
  2. 01/01/2008 Atténuer les effets du VIH/SIDA dans les petites exploitations agricoles est un manuel destiné aux agents conseillers agricoles et à ceux qui les soutiennent au gouvernement, aux ONG et aux organismes internationaux. Une grande partie du contenu de cet Agrodok est traitée d’une manière plus...
  3. 01/01/2018 *Available as Download Only This book explores the current issues around sustainable design and energy efficiency within the construction industry in both developed and developing countries. Sustainable housing; thermal comfort; daylighting; low-income housing; green roofs; energy efficient...
  4. 01/01/2018 *Available as Download Only This Special Issue focuses on recent research on the important emerging and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in South and South East Asia and Northern Australia. This region stretches from Afghanistan in the west to Papua New Guinea in the east, and includes the...
  5. 01/01/2018 *Available as Download Only The respiration of forest soils and the major factors controlling its rate are fairly well understood. The process is of utmost significance because its balance with the fixation of CO2 in the biomass defines whether a particular site is a source or sink of atmospheric...
  6. 01/01/2017 Five of the top ten problems facing humanity (http: //cnst.rice.edu/content.aspx?id=246) over the next 50 years (food, water, energy, environment and poverty) are directly related to the health of soil resources. Several different factors, including: (a) excessive tillage; (b) inappropriate crop...