1. At the Alliance, we strive to make food and agriculture systems more sustainable, efficient and inclusive,through sustainably funded science,research-based solutionsand inclusive knowledge generation. OurStrategy 2020-2025 sets out how we work and accelerate impact towards tackling four...
  2. Session :Poor rural communities in the Global South need practical and affordable means to adapt and prosper given the huge challenges posed by climate change. Public sector-driven, “planned adaptation” initiatives simply will not reach most of them in time. The scale of the problem is too big....
  3. 16/11/2022 Session :Poor rural communities in the Global South need practical and affordable means to adapt and prosper given the huge challenges posed by climate change. Public sector-driven, “planned adaptation” initiatives simply will not reach most of them in time. The scale of the problem is too big....
  4. 01/01/2018 *Available as Download Only This book explores the current issues around sustainable design and energy efficiency within the construction industry in both developed and developing countries. Sustainable housing; thermal comfort; daylighting; low-income housing; green roofs; energy efficient...
  5. 01/01/2021 Plant Adaptation to Global Climate Change discusses the issues of the impact of climate change factors (abiotic and biotic) on vegetation. This book also deals with simulation modeling approaches to understanding the long-term effects of different environmental factors on vegetation. This book is...
  6. AFSA’s collection of case studies shows how agroecology benefits Africa in terms of food security, nutrition, poverty reduction, climate change adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity conservation, cultural sensitivity, democracy, and value for money. Agroecology works in harmony with nature. It...
  7. The SNV learning brief “Strengthening pastoralist organisations for climate-resilient development” (2020, 8pp) highlights the central role that civil society organisations (CSOs) play in championing the interests of pastoralists in climate policy development and implementation, as well as...
  8. Abstract, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems,2020 On-farm diversification is a promising strategy for farmers to adapt to climate change. However, few recommendations exist onhowto diversify farm systems in ways that best fit the agroecological and socioeconomic challenges farmers face....
  9. 16/10/2020 Comment les petits agriculteurs peuvent-ils contribuer à atténuer les changements climatiques? Un article dansEDN 148 décrit les principes sur lesquels reposent les stratégies présentées dans cet article de suivi. La clé de toute approche agricole pour faire face aux changements climatiques est...
  10. Ressource principale
    17/07/2020 ECHO reconnaît les changements climatiques comme une réalité profonde à laquelle sont confrontés les petits agriculteurs. Bon nombre de nos publications visent à aider les agriculteurs à faire face aux défis connexes tels que la chaleur et la sécheresse. Accroître la résilience des agriculteurs...