1. AccessAgriculture Training Video Dans des zones semi-arides de l’Afrique de l’Ouest des producteurs et des éleveurs nous expliquent pourquoi et comment les arbres et le bétail jouent un rôle essentiel pour obtenir des terres et cultures productives. Au Niger et au Ghana c’est une des stratégies...
  2. This section on livestock includes all animals that are farmed, as well as insects such as bees. Fish and other aquatic animals are covered in the fisheries section.
  3. The Journal publishes peer reviewed papers with the aim of sharing new developments in the agricultural and environmental sciences which include forestry, fisheries, livestock, crops, environment, biotechnology, agricultural economics, agricultural engineering. The readership of the Journal...
  4. 20/01/2014 Animal products are vital to the diets and livelihoods of people across Sub-Saharan Africa. However, they are frequently traded in local, unregulated markets and this can pose significant risks to health. Usefully illustrated with 25 case studies of the meat, milk, egg and fish food sectors drawn...
  5. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 35. One of the best things that you can do to complete your sustainable farm or garden is to balance it with a small livestock unit. Livestock integration is fundamental #10 in my book Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics. If you read ECHO Asia Notes,...
  6. Abstract,Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability2014 Fodder trees are important feed sources for livestock in a wide range offarming systemsin Africa. Researchers, extension services and farmers have developed and promoted fodder tree practices in many different countries and contexts....
  7. Abstract, World Agroforestry, 2014 Many rural households in developing countries feed their animals on the leaves of trees. In pastoral areas of sub-Saharan Africa, three-quarters of the 10,000 tree and woody species, are used as fodder, supplying up to 50 per cent of livestock feed. This...
  8. In many countries across the world, livestock are an integral part of poor people’s livelihoods, contributing to household income, food security and nutrition. They can provide quality food (meat, milk, and eggs); capital (sale, barter and hire); fertilizer (manure); draught power for cultivation...
  9. Équilibrer les besoins du bétail et la nécessité de garder les sols couverts est un défi permanent pour l’agriculture de conservation dans le monde entier. Lorsque les résidus de culture, l’herbe et les matériaux de paillage sont rares, la santé des animaux et celle du sol en soufrent. La...
  10. The series aims to highlight key topics in the field of sustainable natural resource management. Each paper reviews a selected issue of contemporary importance and draws preliminary conclusions for devlopment that are particularly relevant for policymakers, researchs and planners. References are...