1. FAO definition: Integrated Pest Management (IPM)means the careful consideration of all available pest control techniques and subsequent integration of appropriate measures that discourage the development of pest populations and keep pesticides and other interventions to levels that are...
  2. View a how-to video for using natural enemies against the devastating millet head miner. Factsheet
  3. Ressource principale 01/01/1995 This book is a must reading for all farmers and gardeners in southern Africa region- small scale, large-scale, commercial and subsistance farmers alike. This book aims to return us to a new co-operation with nature by offering a number of tried and tested methods to establish a long-term healthy...
  4. Ressource principale 24/07/1992 Part of a series, this book is written principally for extension staff and other agricultural development officers, teachers and trainers who act in a similar capacity. Each book provides the background, information and knowledge necessary for a basic understanding of an aspect of agriculture,...
  5. 01/10/2002 A habitat management system to control stemborers and striga has been developed by the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE), along with Kenya’s Ministry of Agriculture, the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), and IACR-Rothamsted of the UK. The system is called a...
  6. 01/10/2002 We recently learned of a simple technique that may reduce bacterial wilt in tomatoes. Interplanting (or pre-planting) Chinese chive with tomato results in allelopathic suppression of the organism responsible for bacterial wilt. Bacterial wilt is a disease that affects many different crops,...
  7. 20/01/2011
  8. 17/07/2017 Les insectes et autres ravageurs peuvent constituer une contrainte sérieuse à la production alimentaire, en particulier lorsque les ressources pour la lutte antiparasitaire sont limitées. Par exemple, dans EDN 133, nous avons répondu à une question sur les problèmes de la mineuse de tomate (Tuta...
  9. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les appâts alimentaires peuvent être pulvérisés localement ou utilisés dans des stations d'appâts. Les mouches des fruits peuvent détecter des appâts sur de courtes distances, jusqu'à 10 mètres. Certains appâts contiennent un insecticide naturel qui est autorisé...
  10. AccessAgriculture Training Video Il faut juste quelques minutes à une mouche des fruits pour trouver un endroit approprié sur la mangue et injecter ses œufs sous la peau du fruit. Mais même dans ce court laps de temps, les fourmis tisserandes l’auront soit chassée soit capturée. Leur odeur aide...