1. 30/03/2022 Australian agronomists Tony and Liz Rinaudo arrived at the edge of the Sahara in 1981 to plant trees. Few trees survived in the hostile terrain, and those that did were cut down. While contemplating the futility of their endeavours, Tony discovered an embarrassingly simple method of restoring...
  2. This video from WorldVision Australia is an excellent introduction to the concept and practice of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration. In a balanced ecosystem, people and animals thrive. But when trees are cut down and land is burned, that balance is lost. Deforestation effects include soil...
  3. 06/07/2021 La déforestation, la surexploitation des sols, la concurrence croissante pour les terres et le changement climatique ont fait de l'agriculture de subsistance dans une grande partie de l'Afrique centrale une occupation précaire. Le recours aux arbres à légumineuses à travers des systèmes...
  4. Ressource principale 01/01/2010 On n‘a pas beaucoup réfléchi à la pertinence de ces méthodes. Les espèces indigènes furent généralement rejetées et considérées comme des broussailles «inutiles.» Cherchant à établir des forêts, de nombreux projets ont même éliminé ces «broussailles inutiles» au profit d’espèces exotiques....
  5. 26/02/2019 The third in the series of “Beating Famine” Conferences is being planned for the Sahel. The focus has shifted from building awareness of FMNR (Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration) and EverGreen Agriculture practices, to taking proven successes to massive scale. Invited participants from across...
  6. 24/01/2017 Knowing a subject is not enough to train on it, training adults requires specific competencies. This week in Burkina Faso, key trainers from across West Africa are meeting to improve their knowledge about the Foundations for Farming (FFF) method, and to improve their skills in sharing knowledge...
  7. This session introduces the scaling up CA programs and features the various aspects of the CFGB program, namely training, policy and marketing. The panel session provides sharing by one CA Technical Specialist, a Policy and Advocacy Advisor and a Marketing Coordinator. Moderator : Mueni Mutinda...
  8. 20/12/2010
  9. Rural people ultimately decide how their land will be managed and recommendations for change must be perceived to be beneficial, often in the short-term, by the supposed beneficiaries. Improved knowledge of crop-tree interactions may not be incorporated into management strategies if this...