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  1. Le pois sabre est originaire des Antilles et de l'Amérique centrale. Il ressemble beaucoup au haricot-épée, à Canavalia gladiata, et à l'espèce sauvage prédominante africaine, Canavalia virosa. Le pois sabre est maintenant largement répandu dans les régions tropicales et subtropicales bien qu'il...
  2. Le maïs est cultivé depuis de nombreux siècles dans plusieurs régions d’Amérique centrale, du Nord et du Sud. L’utilisation du maïs s’est étendue à de nombreuses régions tempérées, subtropicales et tropicales de la planète. À l’échelle mondiale, la production de maïs dépasse aujourd’hui celles du...
  3. Garlic,Allium sativum, is a an herbaceous, annual, bulbous plant in the familyAmaryllidaceaegrown for its pungent, edible bulb of the same name. The garlic plant can either have a short, woody central stem (hardneck) or a softer pseudostem made up of overlapping leaf sheaths (softneck). Hardneck...
  4. Ce membre de la famille de l’oignon originaire de l’Asie du Sud-est a été propagé avec succès en Europe et en Amérique du Nord.
  5. Ressource principale 01/01/1992 A case could be made that onions are one of two universal vegetables that are cherished in almost every culture, tomatoes being the other. Both are difficult to grow in many tropical and subtropical climates. Where a vegetable is both popular and difficult to grow, it brings a good price. If a...
  6. This resource cover onion diseases such as: Damping-off purple Blotch Stemphylium Blight Basal Rot Downy Mildew OnionSmut Onion Smudge Black Mould Bacterial Brown Rot Onion Yellow Dwarf Anthracnose White rot Neck rot
  7. 19/01/1996 Information about onion seed germination in the tropics.
  8. 19/12/1981 We have noticed that the prices of garlic and onions are often high in the tropics. This makes them a good candidate for a cash crop, but also makes one wary because there must be some good reason for their expense. Wally Turnbull at the Baptist Mission in Haiti is working on both crops and...
  9. 01/01/1993 A case could be made that onions are one of two universal vegetables that are cherished in almost every culture, tomatoes being the other. Both are difficult to grow in many tropical and subtropical climates. Where a vegetable is both popular and difficult to grow, it brings a good price. If a...
  10. Since its first arrival on the African continent in 2008, the tomato leafminer, Tuta absoluta, remains the most important biotic constraint to tomato production in North and sub-Saharan Africa. Subsequently, several research efforts have been undertaken to understand the bioecology of Tuta...
  11. Tomatoes are a favourite vegetable for most farmers. They don't require much space, produce a high value for the small amount of space and are a consumer favourite. They do however present a number of challenges for even the most experienced open-field grower. These range from wildly fluctuating...
  12. AccessAgriculture Training Video Le mildiou est causé par des moisissures qui survivent dans le sol et par les résidus de cultures infectées. Inspectez votre champ tous les jours. Si vous voyez des plantes malades, coupez les parties malades et brûlez-les. Ne mettez jamais des parties de plantes...
  13. AccessAgriculture Training Video Vous pouvez conserver des tomates fraîches pendant quelques semaines dans un frigo local. Un frigo local est constitué de deux jarres jumelées l’une dans l’autre et séparées par du sable. En plus de conserver des tomates fraîches, on peut aussi sécher les tomates...
  14. AccessAgriculture Video Aucun produit ne permet de guérir la maladie des feuilles en cuillère de tomate. La maladie se propage par les mouches blanches. Un filet anti-insect peut protéger votre pépinière. Des cultures céréalières plantées en bordure de votre champ de légumes aident à éloigner les...
  15. Tomato is a valuable crop in Eastern Africa, but the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) can cause large crop losses if it is not controlled. In this video produced by the World Vegetable Center for the VINESA project, researcherSamail Njauexplains how to identify whitefly, use pest management methods such...
  16. 20/07/2008 These are common problems for gardeners from thetropics. If you have a tomato plant that is healthy and flowering but not setting fruit, the reason is likely related to temperature.
  17. 19/07/1996 If you have a tomato plant that is healthy and flowering but not setting fruit, the reason is likely related to temperature. Both daytime highs and nighttime lows have a variety of effects on the ability of a tomato to set fruit.
  18. Secale cereale is an upright, annual, cool season, grain-bearing grass. A tufted grass with hollow stems, S. cereale reaches heights of 2 m. The blue-green leaves are borne on tillers, supported by extensive root systems that extend up to 2 m in the soil. Spike flowers give way to heads of pale...
  19. Soybean is an annual, nitrogen-fixing, nutritious, bean crop grown mainly as a pulse and for oil used for human consumption and many industrial uses. It is a very day length sensitive crop with varieties developed for many different latitudes. Soybeans are also used a fresh vegetable. Soy sauce,...
  20. Cassava can be grown almost anywhere in the tropics, but is very frost-sensitive. Cassava can survive in dry conditions for a very long period of time and still go on to produce a good crop. It can be an extremely heavy yielder.
  21. Radishes are an annual herb with cylindrical roots up to 65 cm long or round roots up to 8 cm in diameter. They are grown for their slightly spicy roots.
  22. L’arachide sauvage est cultivée dans l’ensemble des tropiques et sub-tropiques humides ainsi que dans les tropiques en altitude.
  23. The tomato is one of the most common garden vegetables worldwide. It is a solanaceous plant that produces fruit of various shapes, sizes and colors. Growth of tomato plants is described as either determinate or indeterminate. Determinate varieties produce compact plants that stop growing when...
  24. Capsicum chinense or bonnet peppers are typically very hot including the hottest peppers in the world according to the Scoville scale. These include the habanero, ghost peppers, and bonnet peppers. ECHO also has a unique “Sweet” Habanero that produces peppers that are not hot, although...
  25. Capsicum frutescens peppers are much more pungent than the C. annuum species and produce fruits that are erect and usually appear just above the foliage. Peppers include tabasco, bird peppers, and other chili peppers. Varieties of this species have also been selected for their ornamental...
  26. L'origine ancienne était probablement la région indo-birmane ou peut-être la Chine. La plante s'est maintenant étendue aux régions tropicales, subtropicales, tempérées chaudes et aux serres dans des climats plus froids.
  27. Vigna unguiculata is a grain legume that originates in Africa. Attributes such as vine shape (climbing, prostrate, or semi-erect), seed color (shades of white, pink, brown, and black), and seed maturation time (60 to 240 days) vary with variety. Pods appear in V-shaped pairs.It is an important...
  28. Onion is a hardy biennial from southern parts of Russia and Iran. It was disseminated by the Indo-European peoples during their numerous migrations. Very ancient forms of Onion are still for sale in Middle Eastern markets.
  29. Le gombo ouest-africain a probablement été introduit en Afrique de l’Ouest par des navigateurs polynésiens ou sud-est asiatiques. On le trouve aujourd’hui dans presque tous les marchés agricoles en Afrique; c’est un aliment de choix en Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale. Cette variété de gombo est...

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