1. Dengue is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted to people through the bite of a mosquito. This 3 minutes and 24 second animation describes Dengue transmission, infection and the different symptoms associated with this disease. Also, the animation gives additional information about the...
  2. Dengue zɔn ͻ, azɔn dé wε bͻ nuvi e nͻ do mε ͻ, zànsúkpɛ asì ɖĕè e ylɔ ɖɔ Aedes ͻ, wε nͻ ɖu mε bo nͻ do lanmε nu mε. Cεjú 3, seconde 24 élɔ lε ɖo lĕè nͻ jε dengue zɔn gbɔn ɔ, azɔn ɔ kpódo lĕè azɔn énε ɔ nͻ xlɛ ɖo mε wŭ gbɔn ɔ zĕ xlɛ wɛ. Yεwunkwiyi dowu élɔ lε ɖo nŭ gègé xlɛ wɛ ɖɔ do lĕè zànsúkpɛ...