1. This book covers the agriculture and nutritive value of yams, and also their medicinal, economic and anthropological importance. It is intended to bring together the findings of recent research, hitherto almost inaccessible to the student, and to correct certain misconceptions which are presently...
  2. 1/1/1974 This is the first of several Agriculture Handbooks in which the major species of yams are individually treated in order to bring the investigator as well as the agriculturalist up to date with respect to the status of these important plants.
  3. 1/1/1993 Improvements to traditional storage systems for fresh yam tubers are possible. These must begin at the time of harvesting when tubers should be handled carefully so that uninjured tubers can be put into storage. Small technical improvments to keep away pests, to improve the climate in storage and...
  4. Recurso clave
    16/2/2015 Cultivos de raíces y tubérculos tropicales se consumen como comida diaria en partes de los trópicos y se deben considerar por su potencial de rendir bastante en un espacio pequeño. Proveen opciones valerosas para producir alimentos en condiciones difíciles. Casava y taro, por ejemplo, son...
  5. 14/11/2018 Despite the incredible diversity of useful plants that exist, a small handful of crops feed the majority of the world and millions of people still suffer from malnutrition and poverty. This talk will discuss some often overlooked crops that have the potential to alleviate suffering through...
  6. 19/7/1992 This process is being used by farmers near the University of Philippines at Los Baños. Fast-growing nitrogen-fixing trees such as leucaena, gliricidia or calliandra are planted ahead of time to shade out grasses. Yams are planted near the base of the tree after weeds are controlled. When the...
  7. Eric Toensmeier conducts a workshop in 2012 @ ECHO-Florida highlighting some of the 4000+ plants grown on the ECHO Global Farm in North Fort Myers, FL. For more from Eric Toensmeier, check out http://carbonfarmingsolution.com/