1. The BGET provides hands-on appropriate technology training and financial support to village innovators in ethnic minority areas on both sides of the Thai/Burma border. BGET’s Knowledge Base offers a wealth of technical downloads in English and Thai related to renewable energy technologies for...
  2. 20/10/2008 Description of a village-level technology solar dryer for Moringa leaves.
  3. 6/10/2015
  4. Appropediais the site for collaborative solutions insustainability,povertyreduction andinternational developmentthrough the use of soundprinciplesandappropriate technologyand the sharing of wisdom andprojectinformation. It is awiki, a type of website which allows anyone to add, remove, or edit...
  5. Solar C³ities is an international platform with the intention of providing an open-source virtual Hackspace for "Biogas Innoventors and Practitioners" and training for all those researching, developing and deploying sustainable solutions for flourishing societies. Politically we define ourselves...
  6. 20/1/2016 This case study describes the community of a small village called Ingotse in Kakamega county in western Kenya. Like most rural, food-insecure communities in sub-Saharan Africa, Ingotse village relied on rain-fed agriculture for production of staple crops. Farmers in this village raised some funds...
  7. Abstract, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017 The deficit in electricity and high diesel costs affects the pumping requirements of community water supplies and irrigation; so using solar energy for water pumping is a promising alternative to conventional electricity and diesel based...
  8. Millions of people around the world live with limited access to water. In many communities, ground water is extracted through electric water pumps, which use diesel to fuel their systems. However, these systems not only require costly, regular servicing and the purchasing of fuel, they emit...
  9. Even though solar water pumping is ready for mainstreaming and has started to take off in some parts of the world, its benefits remain largely unknown to communities, governments, and development institutions. To address this knowledge gap, the World Bank has developedan accessible and...
  10. SODIS (short for Solar Water Disinfection) started as an initiative of Eawag, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Sciences and Technology. Eawag supports the improvement and spread of the SODIS method through research in microbiology, health, educational strategies and PET bottles. An...