1. Recurso clave 1/3/1991 This book looks as methodologies for screening soil-improving legumes such as how to replenish nitrogen, which is often the limiting nutrient to plan growth, farmers in many cultures grew green manures, living crops whose primary purpose was to add nitrogen or organic matter to the soil.
  2. Recurso clave 28/7/2004 In the 1980s and 1990s, green manure/cover crop (GMCC) systems became a popular agricultural technology in research and development efforts for smallholder tropical and subtropical farmers. However, few syntheses of these experiences have been conducted. This volume of case studies contributes...
  3. Recurso clave 1/10/1974 Soils play a critical role in meeting human food needs. Their conservation and wise use are essential today and will be even more critical in the future as population pressures increase. These pressures are already forcing the use of lands for food production that good judgment says should be...
  4. Recurso clave 1/3/2001 Lessons learned in Latin America is about the use and dissemination of cover crops in different agroecosystems need to be made more widely available not only to Spanish speaking, but also Anglophone regions. This publication aims to inform a wide range of actors involved in rural development...
  5. 1/10/2005 La mayoría de los cultivos en los trópicos de tierras bajas se desarrollan mejor con una sombra del 10 al 15 por ciento, la cual puede ser obtenida sembrando árboles cada 10 o 15 metros en todas las direcciones. Muchos pequeños productores ya utilizan esta técnica, especialmente en el sureste de...
  6. 19/1/2017 Dr. Motispresented an overview of the use of tropical legumes as green manure/cover crops. Drawing on findings from ECHO research, this talk will cover 1) benefits of legumes, 2) basic characteristics and growth requirements of some commonly grown legumes, and 3) ways to integrate these into...
  7. 16/1/2017 Tithonia (Tithonia diversifolia), también conocida como girasol mejicano o árbol marigold, es un arbusto perenne que es native de México y Centroamérica. A menudo es introducido debido a sus flores atractivas, ahora se encuentra en partes húmedas y sub-húmedas de África y Sudamérica. Crece en la...
  8. 7/2/2017 Pigeon pea is an important green manure/cover crop with multiple agronomic and market impacts for small farmers, and fits ideally in a conservation agriculture system. Kilimo Markets integrates value chains through enhancing production, inputs supply chains especially seed for which it is...
  9. 19/1/1995 Information about green manure and cover crop legumes.
  10. 7/2/2017 Pigeon pea is an important green manure/cover crop with multiple agronomic and market impacts for small farmers, and fits ideally in a conservation agriculture system. Presenter : Said Silim has recently retired from a distinguished career in international development from ICRISAT, and helped to...