1. 20/10/2011 World Vision (WV) Australia is involved in both agricultural development and relief work in East Africa. We asked folks there to answer a few questions regarding the current drought and famine. In what ways have you been involved with addressing the drought and famine in the Horn of Africa? Could...
  2. This book identifies 47 Acacia species which have potential for cultivation in the southern semi-arid region of Australia as a source of seed for human consumption. Eighteen species are regarded as having the greatest potential. Botanical profiles are provided for these species, together with...
  3. 1/1/1988 This document is a compendium of existing knowledge on the characteristics, silviculture, plantation techniques, growth rates and utilization of nitrogen fixing trees for different types of wasteland. It is organized as a set of tables designed to help the user first determine what species might...
  4. 1/1/1993 The aim of this series of publications is to bring together published information on selected genera of trees (Acacia) which have the potenital to increase the supply of fodder for ruminants. Each booklet summarizes published information on the fodder characteristics and nutritive value of one...
  5. 1/1/1983 Mangium is only one of a number of acacias from the humid Australasian tropics. Collectively they make up a group of little-known trees that have been largely untested in forest plantations. This study draws attention to nine of mangium's relatives because virtually nothing describing their...
  6. 26/4/2019 El árbol de la fiebre (Acacia xanthophloea) es un árbol de rápido crecimiento, de tamaño mediano (alcanzando de 15 a 25 m de altura) con un tronco liso, de color amarillento verdoso. En el tronco crecen espinas de hasta 7 cm de largo y se vuelven más densas en las ramas extendidas. Este árbol...
  7. Acacia mangium puede llegar a ser un árbol alto de hasta 30 m. Es un árbol de rápido crecimiento que puede tolerar suelos ácidos y degradados. Crece mejor con lluvia moderada y pleno sol. Es una de las principales especies de leguminosas utilizadas en los programas de plantaciones forestales en...
  8. La espina de mono (Senegalia galpinii) es un un árbol de gran tamaño, caducifolio, fijador de nitrógeno, que alcanza los 30 m de altura. Se adapta a climas cálidos y secos y tiene flores color crema. Este árbol se utiliza principalmente como especie maderera de rápido crecimiento para dar sombra...