1. 19/3/1999 En tres programas de Honduras se han buscado maneras en que los agricultores deladeras pobres puedan captar el agua de lluvia en sus propios campos y retenerla allí dos o tres meses. El agua podría posteriormente utilizarse para el riego suplementario durante las sequías o para extender la...
  2. 20/11/2019 Je, Ninahitaji kujua kitu gani kuhusu udongo na maji? Mimea na wanyama wanahitaji maji wakati wote ili wakue vizuri. Uhaba wa maji hupunguza uwezo wa udongo kulisha virutubisho kwa mimea inayokua, hata rutuba iwe nyingi kiasi gani.
  3. This section presents information about individual crops, their crop water requirement, yield response to water; and bibliographic database on crop water productivity.
  4. AQUASTAT is the FAO global information system on water resources and agricultural water management. It collects, analyses and provides free access to over 180 variables and indicators by country from 1960. AQUASTAT draws on national capacities and expertise with an emphasis on Africa, the Near...
  5. 1/1/2004 The purpose of this guide is to help farming communities in the sudano-sahelian zone to finance, install and manage waterpoints for thir village herds. The guide is written particularly for extensionists working in livestock water projects in this zone. It outlines in detail a method being used...
  6. 1/1/1977 With the goal of maximum production for American agriculture, comes the need to make every acre give its best level of production. Drainage is a limiting factor on many agricultural lands of this country. During the past two decades, there has been a host of scientific advances in the field of...
  7. Abstract,Scientific Electronic Library Online, 2013 Further food production may be limited by the reduced availability of water resources. Since irrigated agriculture is the productive sector that presents a higher demand of water, this sector has been under intense pressure in order to ensure...
  8. Dobasare not water harvesting structures or reservoirs, and our ancestors have never thought of them in that way. Instead, they are outcomes of the clay material preparation process, within homesteads, used in mud house building on a family’s land. Millions of Dobas - a water harvesting structure...
  9. Chapin Living Waters exists to help people in developing countries grow vegetables when there is insufficient rain. We offer simple, sustainable technologies for subsistence farming, bringing hope to families and the opportunity to solve their own problems. Chapin Living Waters serves development...
  10. 20/1/2016 This case study describes the community of a small village called Ingotse in Kakamega county in western Kenya. Like most rural, food-insecure communities in sub-Saharan Africa, Ingotse village relied on rain-fed agriculture for production of staple crops. Farmers in this village raised some funds...
  11. "Runoff farming" is identical with "Water Harvesting but for Irrigation Purposes". When the harvested runoff water from un-cropped areas is directed to a cropped area, this technique is called runoff farming. Soil profile acts as a water storage container, but storage in ponds or cisterns is also...
  12. El riego por goteo es una técnica que permite regar de forma consistente toda la cosecha. Esta técnica es especialmente útil durante la sequía o en la estación seca. Esta técnica se debe utilizar combinada con la de Lechos de cultivo elevados. Es importante ver primera esta otra animación antes...
  13. AccessAgriculture Training Video En las sabanas semi-áridas donde la lluvia es limitada y sumamente impredecible, el retener más agua en el suelo puede marcar la diferencia entre una cosecha buena y mala. Usted puede disminuir la velocidad del agua de escorrentía al establecer bordes a nivel. Los...
  14. The Centre for Water Resources Development Management (CWRDM) here has developed wick irrigation technique, a hydroponic system, to facilitate farming of potted vegetables and ornamental plants in the homesteads and on the terrace. Dr Kamalam Joseph, a senior scientist at CWRDM who led the team...
  15. Revitalizing irrigation across Africa andAsiais key to ensuring that future populations do not go hungry. The need for groundwater management is growing as farmers increasingly pump groundwater to meet their water needs, leaving behind the old systems and institutions that managed them. Using...
  16. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las medias lunas tienen la forma de un semi-círculo con las puntas de los diques al mismo nivel. Se hacen de varios tamaños, para ayudar a cosechar agua en áreas semi-áridas. Ayudan a mejorar la fertilidad del suelo cuando se agrega estiércol o compost. Idiomas...
  17. Access Agriculture Video Runoff water from roads can give an extra boost to crops during the rainy season, or if it is stored in ponds can be used for irrigating horticultural crops.
  18. AccessAgriculture Training Video Fanya juu significa "lanzar el suelo hacia arriba" en suajili. Las terrazas así formadas son ideales para pastos de forraje y ayudan a evitar la erosión del suelo. Se vuelve más fácil cultivar a medida que las terrazas se establecen y la tierra se vuelve más plana...
  19. Farmers in semi-arid West Africa understand the value of water, how it limits crop production and how essential it is to survival. They must contend with unreliable rainfall, short, unpredictable rainy seasons, and increasingly frequent natural hazards. Moreover, climate change may exacerbate all...
  20. AccessAgriculture Training Video El agua que escurre de los caminos puede ser aprovechada para los cultivos en la época seca o se puede almacenar en estanques para regar un huerto. Idiomas disponibles Dholuo Español Francés Inglés Kikuyu Kinyarwanda / Kirundi Kiswahili Persa / Farsi Árabe
  21. Access Agriculture Training Video In Kenya, small-scale farmers stabilise river banks and reduce rainwater runoff from nearby plots by planting trees and grasses. Available languages Arabic Bemba Chitonga / Tonga English French
  22. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las líneas o diques de piedra pueden bajar la velocidad de la escorrentía, mejorar la infiltración de agua y formar la base para una producción mejorada en áreas semi-áridas. Se puede cosechar agua de las laderas poco inclinadas para producir cultivos aún en años...
  23. AccessAgriculture Training Video Introducción a las prácticas de manejo sostenible de tierra que han sido comprobadas en África. Pueden ayudar a controlar la degradación de la tierra y mejorar la producción para los campesinos, a pesar de los desafíos del cambio climático. Idiomas disponibles...
  24. 1/1/2018 Agricultural drainage, such as runoffs from farmlands and wineries, are contaminated waters. Their management is monitored by environmental protection authorities who set targets of volume or pollutant reductions. Due to large quantities and seasonal variations, the targets are often not met, and...
  25. 1/1/2021 Water scarcity is a critical issue for agriculture, and, hence, efficient management and conservation practices for agricultural water use are essential for adapting to and mitigating the impacts of current and future discrepancy between water supplies and water demands. This Special Issue...
  26. 20/6/2003 Improving soil moisture with conservation agriculture Soil management in semi-arid savannas What we have learned Drought-proofing villages in Gansu province Spherical water tanks Managing water together Reflecting on farm pond development Farmer innovations in water harvesting Holding the rain...
  27. 1/1/2021 This book on "A Textbook on Rainfed Agriculture and Watershed Management (Theory and Praticals)" is a boon to the students of Agriculture as well as to all the people associated with agriculture. Various aspects of farming under rainfed agriculture have been deliberated and explored thoroughly in...

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