1. Farmers in semi-arid West Africa understand the value of water, how it limits crop production and how essential it is to survival. They must contend with unreliable rainfall, short, unpredictable rainy seasons, and increasingly frequent natural hazards. Moreover, climate change may exacerbate all...
  2. AccessAgriculture Training Video Los zaís, como se conocen en Burkina Faso, o tassa en Níger, son fosas anchas y profundas para sembrar. Se comportan como microcuencas y pueden usarse para rehabilitar el suelo si se usa con estiércol. Han sido muy exitosos en África Occidental durante los últimos...
  3. TheZayis made on land which is not very permeable so that runoff can be collected.Zaiare holes dug approximately 80 cm apart to a depth of 5 to 15 cm, with a diameter of between 15 and 50 cm (Figure 1).Zaiimprove infiltration of the captured runoff. The holes are deepened each winter....
  4. "Runoff farming" is identical with "Water Harvesting but for Irrigation Purposes". When the harvested runoff water from un-cropped areas is directed to a cropped area, this technique is called runoff farming. Soil profile acts as a water storage container, but storage in ponds or cisterns is also...
  5. “Zai” es un término que los agricultores del norte de Burkina Faso utilizan para referirse a pequeños pozos de siembra que normalmente miden entre 20 y 30 cm de ancho, tienen entre 10 y 20 cm de profundidad y están espaciados entre 60 y 80 cm. En la región de Tahoua en Níger, se usa la palabra...