1. 良好的营养是我们抵御疾病的第一道防线,是我们生命和保持活跃的能量来源。不合理饮食造成的营养问题可能多种多样,而当其影响一代年轻人时,则会使他们的学习能力降低,从而影响他们的未来,造成贫困和营养不良的世代循环,对个人和国家产生严重后果。 虽然幼儿最易受营养不良的影响,但是获得足够食物的权利是普遍的,所有的人都需要良好的营养。营养不良包括营养不足、微量营养素缺乏和肥胖,它存在于所有国家及社会经济各阶层。 诸如气候变化、环境可持续性和技术迅速发展等新出现的挑战正在改变粮食体系并提出了如何以可持续的方式养活不断增长的世界人口的问题。 与此同时,不平衡的经济增长、...
  2. Home gardens are found in many humid and sub-humid parts of the world. They are sometimes called backyard or kitchen gardens. These gardens have an established tradition and offer great potential for improving household food security and alleviating micronutrient deficiencies. Gardening can...
  3. 2015-01-23 A practiculture way to grow nutrient-dense food, produce healthy fats, and live the good life The Nourishing Homesteadtells the story of how we can create truly satisfying, permanent, nourished relationships to the land, nature, and one another. Ben and Penny Hewitt offer practical ways to grow...
  4. This book is intended for nutrition intervention program and development planners, as well as students from related disciplines. Although it is quite clearly written, some sections, for example parts of Chapter 2, have details that will be of less interest to the development planner, but will be...
  5. 1978-01-01 This purpose of this work is to encourage research on alternative food sources in order to reverse the Malthusian theory that population growth will deplete our food supplies. Over 900 references are cited.
  6. The world is witnessing major shifts in dietary patterns and--in parallel--a signficant threat to agricultural biodiversity. The implications for human health and the resilience of our food systems are far reaching. As this paper shows, these two phenomena are interconnected. It calls for action...
  7. With more than five million copies sold, Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing is the nations number one bestselling guide to holistic health. For ten years and more, people interested in alternative healing and preventive therapies have relied on this invaluable reference as a guide to improve...
  8. The Nutrition Handbook for Community Workers in the Tropics contains important information on discovering a community's food and nutrition situation; working with people in the community; nutrition education; principles of good nutrition; selecting, storing and using foods carefully; preventing...
  9. The Guide is aimed at all those involved in planning and implementation of activities of nutrition education and communication. They are the nutritionists, the communicators, the technicians of health, agriculture and education, all concerned with the subject and often working in teams to develop...
  10. 2019-10-18 ECHO shares information to help farmers grow food more effectively, with minimal purchased inputs. However, unless training is also given around nutrition, farmers and their families will not benefit optimally from changes that are made. At the November 2017 ECHO International Agriculture...