1. 01/01/1984 Este papel discute a teoria geral envolvida reciclando desperdícios agrícolas e vários métodos populares. que năo faz presente detalhou exemplos práticos. é importante a tensăo que a escolha de reciclar método dependerá do tipo de desperdício disponível e no uso de fim o fazendeiro tem em mente...
  2. 01/02/2000 A thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan 108 pages, illustrated
  3. Key Resource This 4 part training gives a broad overview and introduction to some basic soil characteristics: phases (solid, liquid, gas), texture, density, structure, reaction (pH), plant-water relationships, organic matter, biology and nutrients. After some classroom discussion we went head out to into the...
  4. As a general conclusion of this study, both chemical and physical limitations are affecting crop yields and tree production. Special attention needs to be given to the introduction of crop or tree species that are tolerant of high pH. Crop production should be focused on the better land that has...