1. 01/06/2020 Utilizar el calor del sol es un método barato y simple de esterilizar el suelo de los semilleros. El suelo estéril es mejor para plantar semilleros, ya que hay menos posibilidades de que se reproduzcan enfermedades Usa material tomado deFootstepsla publicatión de alfabetización del Fondo TEAR con...
  2. A tent drier can be used to dry fruit and vegetables in the heat of the sun. Food so preserved will keep long past harvest time and can be sold later in the year in the market place. This material was taken from Footsteps - the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission.This edition...
  3. 22/06/2020 Este livrinho explica duas maneiras de fazer banana ou banana da terra chips, fritos ou secos. Adaptado do material do Artigo Técnico sobre Chips de Banana da ‘Practical Action’ (Ação Prática) com grata permissão Esta edição publicada no Reino Unido em 2020 por MissionAssist; e atualizado em 2024...
  4. Key Resource 01/02/1993 Demonstrated harvesting and drying techniques, and describes the characteristcs and uses of more than sixty herbs.
  5. 01/12/1975 This survey was primarily directed at helping stimulate solar drying technology for the least advanced sectors of our society. Most of the infrmation contained is designed to assist the researcher of the user of this technology working in rural developing areas. No page numbers, illustrated...
  6. This publication is for those who wish to construct and operate a simple plant to process dehydrated potatoes and potato starch. It dicusses social and economic factors to be considered prior to construction of a processing plant. It also discusses important physiological components of the tuber...