1. 27/02/2023 Fireless cookers are a simple insulating covering that allow pots to continue to cook food even when they are taken off a source of heat. This helps reduce the need for an open fire, for fuelwood and also reduces indoor air pollution. Adapted from a Practical Action Technical Brief and used with...
  2. 22/05/2021 Two designs for a simple oven using old oil drums that will use fuel much more efficiently than an open fire. Access to metal-working tools and, preferably, a workshop will be required. This material was taken from Footsteps - the literacy publication of TEAR Fund - with kind permission.This...
  3. 19/01/1983 The household fuels crisis is closely related to traditional UNICEF concerns such as family income, nutrition, and health.
  4. 01/01/1980 Gli obiettivi del Montserrat Fuelwood/Charcoal/Cookstove Progetto sia: Sostituto combustibile di cottura rinnovabile e locale dalla foresta per combustibili liquidi ed importati, Uso la risorsa di foresta saggiamente, e Creano industria locale e lavoro. Specificamente per il cookstove divida del...
  5. 01/01/1988 Negli Stati Uniti, segatura č stato tradizionalmente, bruciato in forni grandi per riscaldamento industriale, in forni piů piccoli per casa scaldare ed in focolari nella forma di logs. compresso In parti altre del mondo, segatura sciolto ha, stato bruciň per anni in duplice-tamburo poco costoso...
  6. 01/01/1988 This Industry Profile is one of a series briefly describing small or medium-sized industries. The Profiles provide basic information for starting manufacturing plants in developing nations. Specifically, they provide general plant descriptions, financial, and technical factors for their...
  7. 01/01/1985 Dove č scarso combustibile, questa facile-a-forma fornello senza fuoco puň essere un contributo a cottura migliore. Tiene cibo che cucina con una piccola quantitŕ di calore immagazzinato in caldo pietre; perdita di calore č prevenuta da un strato spesso di isolare materiale circa la pentola....
  8. 01/01/1985 Questo documento include il passo da procedure di passo per ognuno degli standardizzarono prove, seguite da Note Procedurali che danno suggerimenti specifici per condurre il tests. I dati di esemplare e forme che riportano incluso per ogni prova č progettato per semplificare l'incisione di...
  9. Using earth as a shield against oxygen and to insulate the carbonising wood against excessive loss of heat is the oldest system of carbonization and surely goes back to the dawn of history. Even today it is perhaps used to make more charcoal than any other method. It is, therefore, worthy of...
  10. The Tropical Products Institute (TPI), a scientific unit of the Overseas Development Administration, has gained considerable experience in operating transportable metal kilns of various designs both in the U.K. and in many developing countries. The Institute has evolved a kiln design which is...