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  1. 1955-01-01 Methods and processes, tools and implements, are described in this paper in broad outline only, with the object of showing how improvements can be made step by step.
  2. 2014-01-01 This Agrodok provides up-to-date information on grasscutter farming to benefit the informed farmer and extension and rural development officers. 1 Introduction 8 It targets farmers wishing to diversify their farms as well as their families’ diet, and those considering growing grasscutters for the...
  3. 1985-11-29 Participatory approaches in rural development Farming systems research Women in farming systems research Action-research People's knowledge is people's power - Peru and Ecuador Helping farmers to change - Philippines GRAPP's method - experiences in Burkina Faso Go to the people - an African...
  4. 1997-07-19 User-producer tools development Values-based rural develoment Palm sugar Controlling chickens Rats, bats and traps An innovative organic farming Controlling house flies Ecology education in Peru
  5. 2004-01-01 La OBRA. Inicia con una breve resena de los diferentes tipos de energias, su rol en el desarrollo mundial, la interrelacion entre energia, medio ambiente, contaminacion y desarrolo rural. Continua senalando con detalle las posibilidades que plantean las fuentes de energias alternativas para...
  6. 2000-01-01 *Available only in Spanish. Over the last 40 years, an impressive number of theories on different aspects of rural development have been formulated and then rejected. The few theories that have endured are, for the most part, those that were born out of practice. The survivors had to struggle for...
  7. 2022-01-01 Bioenergy is renewable energy obtained from biomass-any organic material that has stored sunlight in the form of chemical energy. Biogas is among the biofuels that can be obtained from biomass resources, including biodegradable wastes like manure, sewage sludge, the organic fraction of municipal...
  8. IFAD, November 2021 This is the first publication exclusively focusing on yak wool production and its commercialization, incorporating the socio-environmental narrative attached to High Asia region and its herders communities. A proposal is provided to set the ground for a first regional-level...
  9. The research reported in this working paper is part of a larger project that aims to assess the scope for and enhance the possibilities of the sustainable intensification of potato production in cereal-based cropping systems in the subtropical lowlands of Asia. Working paper, no. 1999-1
  10. 2003-01-01 This book discusses conservation and cooperation, dehydration, extraction of herbal material, dehydration apparatus, the home based herbal business, skin care lotions and medicinal balms, and extraction apparatus of herbs in Africa.