1. This study on the status of soya bean production and utilization in Tanzania was done in order to assist in planning for its development. The study involved stakeholders from research, extension, soya bean and poultry farmers, food and animal feed processors.
  2. Abstract, Parkinsons Disease, 2019 This review contains a critical appraisal of current knowledge about the use of beans in both animal models and patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). The potential beneficial effects of beans in PD are increasingly being touted, not only in scientific journals...
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video Partout dans le monde, les gens ajoutent des condiments pour donner un bon goût à leurs plats. En Afrique de l’Ouest beaucoup de sauces sont préparés avec un condiment à base des graines de l’arbre Néré. Au Mali, ce condiment est appelé le soumbala. La coupure...
  4. AccessAgriculture Training Video Dans cette vidéo, nous allons voir comment fabriquer du fromage de soja de bonne qualité. Pour obtenir du fromage de soja de bonne qualité, il y a six étapes à suivre : choisissez, vannez et triez des grains de bonne qualité ; tremper les grains de soja dans de l’...
  5. AccessAgriculture Training Video Une semence de soja mal récoltée et mal conservée perd sa force de germination parce que l’humidité et la chaleur tuent la partie vivante de la semence. Les graines mouillées vont moisir ou pourrir pendant la conservation. Dans cette vidéo, nous allons parler de...
  6. This manual discusses in detail the state of art and technology of processing soybean into various edible forms and also indicates the prospects for soybean foods for human consumption.
  7. 20/07/2006 Several technical considerations must be taken into account when attempting to help economically disenfranchised families and communities initiate and sustain production of soybeans or any new crop. Technical assistance cannot be done in isolation; one must provide more than just information...
  8. 20/07/2006 In EDN Issue 80 (July 2003), we asked for feedback from our network about raising soybeans in the tropics. We heard back from several people and would like to share their responses.
  9. 01/10/2012 Demystifying Soybean Production and Marketing: Our Experience in Laos Soil Quality Assessment: Why and How