1. The passionfruit family certainly has its surprises.ECHO East Africa has obtained seed from the banana passionfruit: Passiflora tarminiana from Kenya. Originally from the highlands of South America, this fruit is more often grown as an ornamental than for fruit. Like other passionfruit, the plant...
  2. 01/01/2012 Volume 2 of this revised edition of Tropical Fruits examines the more specialist tropical fruits such as guava, durian, mangosteen, passion fruits and palm fruits. With growing interest in the cultivation, production, study, sales and marketability of these specialist fruits, this is a timely and...
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video Un verger de fruits de la passion bien géré peut rapporter aux agriculteurs une bonne somme d’argent durant toute l’année. Dans cette vidéo, nous allons apprendre comment tuteurer les plantes du fruit de la passion et les élaguer systématiquement pour obtenir de...
  4. 1990 videos with Dr. Carl Campbell ECHO Tropical Fruits Video Series - Introduction To Tropical Fruit (Part 1 of 6) ECHO Tropical Fruits Video Series -Grafting Tropical Fruit Trees & Avocados (Part 2 of 6) ECHO Tropical Fruits Video Series - (Part 3 of 6) Guava, Pineapple, Macadamia,Mamey...
  5. Growables Origin Passionfruit is a native of southern Brazil where it grows on the edges of rain forests. There are two distinct forms: formaedulis, the purple passionfruit, occurs in cool environments at higher altitudes, whereas formaflavicarpa, the yellow passionfruit, is at home in the...
  6. 27/04/2018 Le fruit de la passion peut prendre de 12 à 18 mois après la plantation, mais des soins prodigués avec patience seront récompensés par de belles fleurs et des fruits savoureux et aromatiques. Le fruit de la passion est similaire en saveur à la goyave. Son jus est apprécié seul ou en mélange avec...