1. 20/09/2005 The contribution of small animals The advantages of small animals in farming systems Diversifying small farms in Cambodia Crop-goat integration in upland farming systems Improving livelihoods through vermicomposting Ecological breeding of guinea pigs Improving the performance of indigenous sheep...
  2. AccessAgriculture Training Video Les poules locales donnent souvent moins de poussins pour diverses raisons. Pour assurer la production d’œufs et de poussins, il existe quelques mesures simples que vous pouvez prendre. En produisant plus de poulets locaux sains, vous pourrez mieux nourrir votre...
  3. 01/09/1998 Many families in the tropics must assume a major role in production of their own foodstuffs. Incomes are so low that purchase of food competes with purchase of necessary items that cannot be hand-made. Most governments in the tropics do not have the resources to guarantee even minimum food to all...
  4. It covers what you need to know to raise chickens. It has a section on chicken breeds, as not all chickens are alike. Information on brooding and early care of the young chicks is provided. There is information on henhouse furniture, or what to have in the henhouse for the chickens. Feeding is...