1. This book is an effort to document and share what the author has learned from working with a continually expanding circle of colleagues from the voluntary sector. It is addressed to these colleagues, and to countless like-minded citizen volunteers, in the hope that it will help us all to better...
  2. The Sourcebook is designed to assist all those involved in environmental assessment. They include the environmental assessors themselves, project designers and World Bank task managers. This focus supports an important premise of environmental assessment, that sustainable development is achieved...
  3. The Sourcebook is designed to facilitate the environmental assessment process. It is intended to be used by all involved in environmental assessment, primarily the environmental assessment practitioner, but also groups managing them, project designers, task managers, and environmentalists in...
  4. Ressource principale 20/01/2007 Restaurons Notre Terre décrit comment l’église et les dirigeants communautaires se sont rendu compte que le sol qui produit notre nourriture devient faible. Les forêts qui nous procurent beaucoup de ressources sont en voie de disparition. Ils ont reconnu que Dieu nous a confié la responsabilité...