1. 19/03/1993 Drunk bees can be a problem. An Australian scientist studying beekeeping practices in Kenya observed strange behavior. Drunk bees had difficulty coordinating their actions. They may die or be unable to return to their hive. When they do make it to the entrance, strange acting drunk bees are...
  2. 19/06/1995 Dave Morneauin the Central Plateau of Haiti asked us about the Haitian beekeepers’ belief that neem(Azadirachta indica) or chinaberry (Melia azedarach) blossom nectar is harmful to honeybees, since leaves and seeds are widely used to control insects. Joy Niland, Food Gardens Foundation, South...
  3. 20/02/2013
  4. FAO: Dans presque tous les pays du monde, les abeilles et leurs produits sont non seulement bien connus et prisés par les consommateurs, mais aussi ils fournissent des moyens de subsistance durables à de nombreux petits agriculteurs et autres communautés rurales et non rurales. Les abeilles...
  5. AccessAgriculture Video Traditionnellement, le miel était vendu en rayons, mais de nos jours, la plupart des consommateurs préfèrent le miel extrait des rayons. Ce miel transformé est propre, prêt à la consommation et peut être conservé plus longtemps. Pour vous assurer que le miel maintienne sa...
  6. This beekeeping dictionary contains terms frequently used by beekeepers and melittologists. The words are taken from various disciplines including beekeeping, entomology, environmental science, biology, chemistry, and botany. Use the comment section below if you would like to add another word.
  7. Beekeeping or apiculture is a long practiced activity in many parts of the world. Bees are a vital part of the ecosystem - one third of the food we eat would not be available were it not for bees' pollination activities. Beekeeping is often done with very simple equipment. Approaches vary in...
  8. Advanced Chicken Feed Growth Stages Simplified - When to Use What Microbiology of IMO Natural Farming Introduction to Natural Farming The Secret of No Smell is Aerobic Composting Science : Natural Farming & Indigenous Solutions LAB Lacto Bacillus (Recipe) Fungus on BioChar Fish Amino Acid Egg...
  9. 19/12/1981 Ron Angert of the Haitian Agricultural Mission is actively promoting beekeeping and making a new kind of hive called an African hive. He says he can produce it for about half the cost of a standard hive. One cost saving factor is that a starter comb is not used. The bees instead start their comb...
  10. Ressource principale 20/01/2005 L'apiculture peut constituer un passe-temps intéressant ou une source de revenus. Cet ouvrage, qui fournit des informations sur l'élevage de l'abeille Apis melifera, traite aussi de la composition et de l'organisation de la vie quotidienne d'une colonie. Il explique les principes de base de...