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  1. Ressource principale
    20/01/2011 Pour plus de 30 ans passés que nous continuons à travailler avec les petits fermiers en Afrique Centrale, nous nous sommes jouis de merveilleuse luxuriance de ses forets, savanes, et rivières. En plus, nous avons été privilégiés de connaitre d’innombrables groupes ethniques, avec différentes...
  2. 20/07/2006 Jackfruit has long been valued and cultivated in tropical Asia. Thought to originate in the rainforests of India, jackfruit has remained relatively unknown throughout the rest of the tropics.
  3. 19/07/1992 A novel idea has been to grow some fruit trees, like bananas and coconuts, in circles about 3 meters in diameter.
  4. 20/01/2005 A relative of pear, apple, and peach, the loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) tree is a lesser-known fruit.
  5. 20/10/2004 Carambola is an excellent fruit to grow in the tropics because it has prolific fruit production, high nutrition, almost continuous fruiting, wide appeal and is very adaptable to different soils and locations.
  6. Les caramboles sont cultivées en Asie du Sud-Est depuis des siècles. De nos jours, c'est un fruit très populaire dans les tropiques. L'arbre du carambole est à croissance lente, à tronc court, avec une couronne arrondie, touffue, large et arrondie, et atteint une hauteur de 20 à 30 pi (6-9 m). Il...
  7. Custard apples are small deciduous trees commonly found in parts of Central and South America. The 8-15 cm wide fruit are variable in shape, but are largely heart-shaped and yellow or nearly brown when ripe. The creamy-white flesh of the fruit is described as custardlike, with a sweet but less...
  8. Sugar apple is a drought-tolerant tree, growing to 6 m in height, and is the most widely grown of the Annonas. The sweet fruit is eaten fresh and can be used in beverages, ice cream and milkshakes.
  9. Jackfruit is famous for producing the world's largest tree-borne fruit. Fruits typically weigh between 4.5 to 20 kgs, but have been reported up to 50 kilograms. The trees can grow to 21 m in height. A large portion of the fruit is edible with high nutritional value, fruits can be eaten green as a...
  10. Surinam cherry is a small to mid-sized shrub or small tree, up to 7.5 m in height, that produces small red fruit. This attractive plant makes a good hedge and the ripe fruits can be eaten straight from the bush. The fruit has a thin skin, the flesh is orange-red, very juicy and has a somewhat...
  11. The Sapodilla is a fairly slow-growing, upright tree to 18 m (60 ft) or more in height. It is strong and wind-resistant, rich in white, gummy latex. Its leaves are alternate and evergreen, arranging themselves at the tops of each branch. The fruit may be nearly round, oval, or conical in shape....
  12. Soursop is a tropical, low branching and shrubby tree to 10 m in height. Soursop fruits are basically oval shaped, up to 30 cm long and 15 cm wide, weighing up to 7 kg. The least acidic varieties are sometimes consumed fresh or as part of a desert. More typically soursop fruit is processed into...
  13. Loquat is a subtropical or tropical high altitude fruit tree growing to 9 m in height. Loquats are most often grown for their fruitbut can be used for timber. The ripe yellow-orange fruits are most often eaten fresh from the tree, cooked into deserts, or made into jam.

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