1. This resource book consists of a compilation of proven experiences from Asia that are totally field-derived. This book is the result of the participatory workshop process conducted on September 18-28, 2000 at the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction.
  2. 1/1/2005 This study aims to understand the effect increased vegetable production has on the ruralpopulation beyond the direct farm level. The objectives of this project are to analyze the impact of vegetable commercialization and agribusiness developmnt on off-farm emplyment opportunities and wages,...
  3. This document is intedded for aquaculture development specialists, aquaculture project managers, and officials and specialists involved in the planning and management of aquaculture activities. It is intended to provide an introduction to Rapid Rual Appraisal and Participatory Rural Appraisal for...
  4. Successful agricultural development projects usually involve farmers as an essential step in the process. This planning guide is intended for all who are concerned with irrigation development. This guide suggests the needs and benefits of involving farmers, gives principles and guidelines for...
  5. 1/1/1996 This workbook provides an understanding of the concept of systematization, methods to plan for, follow-up, evaluate and improve processes and results of development projects, some useful tools for conducting the systematization process.
  6. Questioning the dominant approaches taken by many professionals concerned with rural development the theme of this book is that "we" - the professionals - are much of the problem. New frontiers could be opened by reversing many ideas and practices.
  7. 19/1/1981 This book is written for those persons who are presently engaged in rural development activities whether at the community organization level or at the policy level. My first goal is to clarify the link between rural developments, social structures, and peasant mobilization. My second goal is to...
  8. 20/10/2013 El Dr. Dick Tinsley es Profesor Emérito de la Universidad Estatal de Colorado (Colorado State University) con décadas de experiencia como asesor de proyectos de desarrollo agrícola para pequeños propietarios. Dick ha trabajado en numerosos sitios en Asia y África y es el autor del libro “...
  9. 1/1/2014 ¿Qué pasa si usted está trabajando en una comunidad cuando ahí ocurre un desastre? ¿Qué pasos puede usted dar en una situación tal de manera que lleven hacia la recuperación? Y ¿qué acciones se pueden tomar de antemano para minimizar el daño derivado de un evento de gran escala y catastrófico...
  10. 20/4/2014 No hay ninguna duda en mi mente acerca de que los productores de África Occidental quieren el desarrollo si eso significa, entre otras cosas, una agricultura más productiva. Por supuesto que ellos preferirían cosechar siete en vez de tres sacos de sorgo por hectárea. Si eso es así, ¿por qué...