1. Edible portion : Fruit, Vegetable A small shrub up to 2 m high. It is hairy or thorny. The leaves are large (60 cm) and angular and hairy on both surfaces. They have thorns along the veins. Young leaves are purple. The flowers are pale violet and 2-4 cm across. The fruit are produced in clusters...
  2. 1990 videos with Dr. Carl Campbell ECHO Tropical Fruits Video Series - Introduction To Tropical Fruit (Part 1 of 6) ECHO Tropical Fruits Video Series -Grafting Tropical Fruit Trees & Avocados (Part 2 of 6) ECHO Tropical Fruits Video Series - (Part 3 of 6) Guava, Pineapple, Macadamia,Mamey...
  3. 23/7/2015 Naranjilla significa ‘naranja pequeña’ en español, pero no es un cítrico. De hecho es pariente del tomate, la berenjena y la pimienta, al ser miembro de la familia Solanaceae (también conocida como ‘nightshade’ en inglés). Sembrada por sus frutos amarillos a naranja, ha sido descrita como el “...