1. The farming of fish is one of the fastest growing agricultural industries in the world for a simple reason - a lot of protein can be produced on relatively small plots of land. This talk will describe various methods of maximizing the production of fish (tilapia) using minimal resources and...
  2. 3/7/2019 This event has been cancelled due to the civil unrest in Haiti at this time. -- Join us on July 3rd, 2:00-5:00 PM at Haiti Communitere for this networking event to connect with colleagues working in agriculture development in Haiti and learn about each other's work, including brief presentations...
  3. 20/3/2019 Kreyòl
  4. 20/12/2018 Kreyòl
  5. The Haitian Foundation for Sustainable Agricultural Development (FONHDAD) is a non-profit institution with administrative and financial autonomy. Its founding members are constituted by the university, the voluntary and the private sectors of Haiti. Its aim is to contribute to the modernization...
  6. 18/11/2015 Mark’s presentation will demonstrate how the Haiti-based FONDAMA Yard Garden program helps people make small, daily changes that are consistent, persistent, and positive without being intrusive. We will look at examples of how the program helps people recognize the power they have to learn to use...
  7. Presented at the ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015 Mark’s presentation will demonstrate how the Haiti-based FONDAMA Yard Garden program helps people make small, daily changes that are consistent, persistent, and positive without being intrusive. We will look at examples of how the...
  8. 1/4/2010 ECHO consideró de qué manera nuestros recursos pueden ser más útiles a la luz del reciente devastador terremoto ocurrido en Puerto Príncipe, Haití. Nuestra principal fortaleza está en el área de información agrícola pertinente para los cooperantes para el desarrollo, voluntarios de proyectos y...
  9. 1/1/2014 ¿Qué pasa si usted está trabajando en una comunidad cuando ahí ocurre un desastre? ¿Qué pasos puede usted dar en una situación tal de manera que lleven hacia la recuperación? Y ¿qué acciones se pueden tomar de antemano para minimizar el daño derivado de un evento de gran escala y catastrófico...
  10. 20/4/2003 Politically and economically, the ten plus years our family has been in Haiti have been rather tumultuous. There was a coup in October of 1991 against President Jean Bertrand Aristide, then four years of crushing embargo when gasoline cost $20 a gallon and neither tools nor parts could be...