1. 22/5/2013 Aquaponic gardening is very good for both plant and fish. The fish can benefit from cleaned water and the plants can benefit from the fertilizer produced from fish waste. Above all, aquaponic gardening is a great way to save space in your farm be it your backyard or anywhere else.
  2. 1/3/2012 3- 7years This beautifully told story follows Billy from early spring to late summer as he helps his grandpa on his vegetable patch. They dig the hard ground, sow rows of seeds, and keep them watered and safe from slugs. When harvest time arrives they can pick all the vegetables and fruit they...
  3. 5/4/2011 What a better way to connect with children and with the natural world than through gardening? Team up with the youngsters in your care on scores of fun outdoor and indoor garden-related activities. Share the joy of watching plants and the animals that live among them grow and flourish as you...
  4. 1/1/1977 In Small Food Gardens, Mrs. Riotte harvests the most important tips from her many other gardening books and applies them to the special needs of the small-space garden. 183 pgs, graphs, illust
  5. This helpful, richly illustrated Q&A guide overflows with pruning advice for trees, shrubs, topiary, climbers, fruit trees, and hedges. Discover why certain plants need pruning (for example, to limit growth or encourage flowering or fruiting shoots). Troubleshooting tips.
  6. 1/1/1982 This book discusses gardening options in dry desert climates. Included are planting, garden maintenance, soil preparation, and challenges such as insects and idseases.
  7. El riego por goteo es una técnica que permite regar de forma consistente toda la cosecha. Esta técnica es especialmente útil durante la sequía o en la estación seca. Esta técnica se debe utilizar combinada con la de Lechos de cultivo elevados. Es importante ver primera esta otra animación antes...
  8. Cultivar en lechos elevados es la mejor opción para proteger los cultivos e incrementar el rendimiento de la cosecha. Esta técnica agrícola reduce la compactación del terreno e incrementa la calidad de la tierra. Protege las plantas en situaciones de exceso de lluvia. Esta animación describe cómo...
  9. El compost o abono natural se utiliza para mejorar la calidad de la tierra. Para crear abono natural utilizaremos materia vegetal estiércol y restos de comida. El abono aporta materia orgánica y nutrientes a la tierra. Esta animación explica el proceso de fabricación y almacenaje del abono.
  10. By Abdoulaye Seck The Microgardening technology is mainly based on 1 or 0.5 m2 wood tables and therefore, can be installed everywhere. Land is an issue in peri-urban/urban and even in some rural areas. The technology can be installed everywhere in household compounds (even in terraces and...