1. 3/2/2015
  2. 3/2/2015
  3. 22/5/2017 This presentation discusses climate change, including impacts specific to agriculture in Nepal, and approaches to mediate its effects.
  4. Conservation Agriculture (CA) has spread in the past 40 years to cover 105 million hectares of farmland worldwide (ACT 2008). CA’s effectiveness in retaining soil moisture, improving soil quality, lowering input costs and producing stable, high yields of crops leaves little doubt that it will be...
  5. The presentation will be based on findings of an ex-post evaluation of 10 years of Christian Care’sConservation Agriculture (CA) programming which started in 2006 and ended in 2014 in five districtsof Zimbabwe with funding from the United Church of Canada and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB)....
  6. 14/11/2017 The presentation will be based on findings of an ex-post evaluation of 10 years of Christian Care’sConservation Agriculture (CA) programming which started in 2006 and ended in 2014 in five districtsof Zimbabwe with funding from the United Church of Canada and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank (CFGB)....
  7. 17/11/2017
  8. AccessAgriculture Training Video El objetivo principal es reducir costos y mejorar la rentabilidad. La salud del suelo se mejora igual que la humedad del suelo. Zambia es el líder en África subsahariana y este programa muestra cómo se practica la técnica. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Birmano...
  9. 20/4/2017 Agricultura de Conservación (AC)—caracterizada por los tres principios entrelazados de labranza mínima, cobertura del suelo permanente, y la inclusión de rotaciones y asocios de cultivo, ha sido comprobado de ser efectivo en recuperar la salud y fertilidad del suelo, mejorar la captura y uso de...
  10. Conservation agriculture is largely the product of the collective efforts of a number of previous agricultural movements, including no-till agriculture, agroforestry, green manures/cover crops, direct planting/seeding, integrated pest management, and conservation tillage among many others. Yet CA...