1. Conservation agriculture is largely the product of the collective efforts of a number of previous agricultural movements, including no-till agriculture, agroforestry, green manures/cover crops, direct planting/seeding, integrated pest management, and conservation tillage among many others. Yet CA...
  2. Conservation agriculture is largely the product of the collective efforts of a number of previous agricultural movements, including no-till agriculture, agroforestry, green manures/cover crops, direct planting/seeding, integrated pest management, and conservation tillage among many others. Yet CA...
  3. La agricultura de conservación es en gran parte producto de los esfuerzos colectivos de varios movimientos agrícolas anteriores, incluyendo la agricultura de siembra directa, la agrosilvicultura, los abonos verdes / cultivos de cobertura, la plantación / siembra directa, el manejo integrado de...
  4. 31/1/2018 Brote Amarillo, Fruta Verde:Enfermedad del Enverdecimiento de los Cítricos Conferencia Internacional de Agricultura 2017 de ECHO: Resumen de Temas Ecos de Nuestra Red:Insectos comestibles Del Banco de semillas de ECHO:El escobón, cultivo multipropósito de forraje para las tierras altas Nuevo...
  5. 31/1/2018 Este artículo resume varias de las sesiones plenarias presentadas en la conferencia de ECHO de 2017 realizada en Florida. Si usted no pudo asistir a la conferencia o le gustaría revisar algunas de las charlas, se pueden ver muchas de ellas enECHOcommunity.Otras presentaciones de 2017 que aparecen...
  6. CA is a set of soil management practices that minimize the disruption of the soil's structure, composition and natural biodiversity. Despite high variability in the types of crops grown and specific management regimes, all forms of conservation agriculture share three core principles. These...
  7. Biodiversity and Conservation is an international journal that publishes articles on all aspects of biological diversity-its description, analysis and conservation, and its controlled rational use by humankind. The scope of Biodiversity and Conservation is wide and multidisciplinary, and embraces...
  8. Abstract,International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 2011 Conservation Agriculture (CA) has been practised for three decades and has spread widely. We estimate that there are now some 106 million ha of arable and permanent crops grown without tillage in CA systems, corresponding to an...
  9. Abstract -The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension- Feb, 2018 Purpose:The limited uptake of improved agricultural practices in Africa raise questions on the functionality of current agricultural research systems. Our purpose is to explore the capacity for local innovation within the...
  10. Abstract, 2015 This study was on conservation agriculture, an agriculture system that employs a set of techniques that aim to protect the soil from erosion, increase the fertility of soils and its profitability, in a sustainable way contributing to protect the environemnt. This research examined...