1. Recurso clave 1/3/2000 Beekeeping provides rural people in developing countries with sources of income and nutrition. It is a sustainable form of agriculture, which isbeneficial to the environment and provides economic reasons for theretention of native habitats and potentially both increased yield from food and...
  2. 2/3/2016 Session: The presentation details how African Beekeepers can use The Hive Business Model to build and sustain profitable beekeeping businesses using The Hive Beekeepers Starter Kit comprising of the CAB Hive uniquely made to meet the demands of the African bee and how this model completes the...
  3. Founded in 1993,Bees for Developmentwas the first organisation to articulate the reasons why beekeeping is such a useful tool for alleviating poverty while helping to retain biodiversity. We focus on simple methods of sustainable beekeeping, always using local bees and local materials. We have...
  4. 1/1/2016 Apis mellifera, or European Honey Bee is only able to take food from250-300 plants in any given location, Grenada is no different. Thismanual is to help with plant identification, advice on planningpropagation and if the plant is a nectar, pollen, or propolis bearing. Megan Wannarka served in...
  5. 20/10/2014 El Banco de Semillas de Florida de ECHO ofrece una amplia variedad de cultivos útiles, muchos de los cuales naturalmente atraen a polinizadores (Fig. 3). Fomentar insectos beneficiosos en su huerto es un componente clave en la promoción de la biodiversidad, el control de plagas no deseadas y el...
  6. 20/10/2014 En todo el mundo, en los años recientes, el número de polinizadores insectos ha disminuido de manera marcada. Los apicultores han experimentado fuertes pérdidas en las colonias de abejas melíferas; en Estados Unidos el número de colonias manejadas es la mitad de lo que era hace sesenta o setenta...