1. Charcoal is probably the oldest and most efficient remedy in the history of animal farming. Somewhat forgotten over the last 50 years, it has been rediscovered thanks to modern biochar research. The use of biochar as a feed additive has a number of beneficial effects for both animals and the...
  2. 90% of the biochar produced in Europe is used in livestock farming. Whether mixed with feed, added to litter or used in the treatment of slurry, the positive effect of biochar very quickly becomes apparent. The health – and consequently the well-being – of the livestock improve within just a...
  3. Abstract, PeerJ, 2019 Biochar, that is, carbonized biomass similar to charcoal, has been used in acute medical treatment of animals for many centuries. Since 2010, livestock farmers increasingly use biochar as a regular feed supplement to improve animal health, increase nutrient intake efficiency...
  4. 1/10/2019 This workshop will be given in English with Thai translation. Animal feed represents 70% of the costs involved in modern animal production. This creates a significant problem for small-scale farmers as it allows for very little financial margin. This workshop will explore how to reduce this...
  5. 20/4/2014 La consuelda es una planta única y perenne que requiere un mínimo de mantenimiento luego de plantada y que puede proporcionar rendimientos altos y sostenidos de hojas ricas en nutrientes para ser usadas como fertilizante, alimento para animales y más.
  6. 20/7/2013 Las lágrimas de Job es una hierba de a 1a 2 m de alto que se cree se origina delsudeste de Asia. Se encuentra a travésde casi todos los trópicos, a menudo enbancos silvestres a lo largo de diques yarroyos. Según la variedad, las semillasson amarillas, moradas o marrones y amenudo tienen forma de...
  7. 8/6/2017 Feed Options for Ruminants in the Tropics Creating a Low-Cost Seed Dryer for Local Seed Banks
  8. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 31. The amazing multi-stomached ruminant comes in many forms, with varied nutritional requirements. Ruminants are even-toed, cloven-hoofed, four-legged, cud-chewing mammals of the suborder Ruminantia (within order Artiodactyla). Cattle, water buffalo, goats,...
  9. 23/10/2017 A menudo, los insectos son ignorados como fuente de alimento para humanos y animales. En muchas áreas del mundo los insectos han sido consumidos desde hace siglos.El usar insectos como fuente alimento humano y para animales tiene sentido por muchas razones. Primero, ya existen muchos precedentes...
  10. FEAST To feed themselves and their families, and to benefit from increasing demand for livestock products in developing countries, livestock keepers must have access to good quality feed for their livestock. Feed availability is currently a major constraint to increasing livestock productivity...