1. AccessAgriculture Training Video El agua que escurre de los caminos puede ser aprovechada para los cultivos en la época seca o se puede almacenar en estanques para regar un huerto. Idiomas disponibles Dholuo Español Francés Inglés Kikuyu Kinyarwanda / Kirundi Kiswahili Persa / Farsi Árabe
  2. Access Agriculture Training Video The industry requires sesame seeds that are all of the same colour, size, and oil and starch contents. For this, you need varietal purity, meaning that all of the sesame has to be of the same variety. Mixed sesame seeds are difficult to sell and buyers pay less...
  3. AccessAgriculture Training Video Los alevines son extremadamente delicados. Primero tienen que ser transportados, conservados y alimentados si quiere tener una buena cosecha. Caso contrario, usted puede perder todo el dinero que haya invertido. Con un estanque vivero usted puede fácilmente...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video You can store fresh tomatoes in a local fridge for a few weeks. A local fridge consists of two earthen pots, placed one inside the other and separated with sand. In addition to storing fresh tomatoes, they can also be dried and used any time. Dried tomatoes can...
  5. AccessAgriculture Training Video Los granos de maíz tienen que estar muy secos y limpios antes de almacenarlos. Los granos permanecerán libres de plagas y enfermedades durante mucho tiempo en un silo metálico, si los guarda correctamente. Idiomas disponibles Bambara Bangla Español Francés Inglés...
  6. Access Agriculture Training Video Dates have a short harvesting season, and must be consumed or processed immediately after harvest. Otherwise they will spoil and you won’t be able to store them. To be pressed, all the dates you use must have the same ripeness so that you can store them as long...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video, we will learn how to monitor the performance of a rabbit farm. By filling out monitoring sheets with accurate information and by keeping a notebook to systematically record all expenditures. Thiswill enable better management of the farm and...
  8. Access Agriculture Training Video Onion seedlings need a healthy, loose soil. Add well-aged manure or compost. In the rainy season you need to raise the seedbed so the onion roots will not rot. If you use quality seed, most of the seed will germinate and you need much less of it. Onion seedlings...
  9. AccessAgriculture Training Video Una práctica tradicional centroamericana es doblar el tallo del maíz para ayudar a secar el maíz y protegerlo de las enfermedades y el daño de plagas. Si usted lo hace en el momento apropiado, cosechará más. Los granos de maíz siguen creciendo hasta que aparezca...
  10. Access Agriculture Training Video Sesame is easy to grow. But poor harvesting, threshing and storage can decrease its quality. When sesame is too ripe, the seed capsules split open and release their seeds. So you lose lots of seeds and lots of money. Stones, sand, and other dirt can easily mix...