1. Access Agriculture Training Video Harvest is a very crucial part of your work as a farmer. If you get it right you will be rewarded with higher yields and better fruit quality – which translates to more income. In this video we will show you what you need to do to improve your harvesting...
  2. AccessAgriculture Training Video Manejar los cafetos bien puede hacer toda la diferencia entre un ingreso promedio y uno bueno. La recepa o remoción periódica de los cafetos es parte de su plan de manejo, y la poda una vez al año aumentará el rendimiento y el ingreso. Idiomas disponibles Ateso...
  3. Access Agriculture Training Video Why not try the technique of seed flotation before sowing your seed. By using this technique any poor seeds which have been attacked by insects will float to the top, leaving the good seed on the bottom. This video is part of the Rice Advice DVD. Available...
  4. Access Agriculture Training Video People enjoy cashew nuts, whereas cashew apples are less valued. Leaving cashew apples on the land is an enormous loss of money. However, cashew apples can be processed into a nutritious juice which can be consumed throughout the year. Available languages...
  5. Access Agriculture Training Video Farmers and vegetable sellers find it hard to sell leafy vegetables even a day after harvest because the leaves spoil quickly, but solar drying allows farmers to reduce losses and sell leafy vegetables out of the main harvest season. Available languages Arabic...
  6. AccessAgriculture Training Video Por siglos los campesinos a nivel mundial han sido los guardianes de la semilla agrícola y han seleccionado variedades nuevas. Es difícil para los tomadores de decisiones reconocer el derecho ancestral de los agricultores de conservar y producir su semilla frente...
  7. Access Agriculture Training Video In this video, we will learn how to collect shea fruits, remove nuts from shea fruits, sort, dry and shell the nuts to get good quality kernels. We shall also learn how to sort, dry and grade shea kernels for the market. Available languages Bambara Chichewa /...
  8. AccessAgriculture Training Video Las medias lunas tienen la forma de un semi-círculo con las puntas de los diques al mismo nivel. Se hacen de varios tamaños, para ayudar a cosechar agua en áreas semi-áridas. Ayudan a mejorar la fertilidad del suelo cuando se agrega estiércol o compost. Idiomas...
  9. Access Agriculture Training Video Participatory varietal selection or PVS is a method that allows different stakeholders to get involved in identifying constraints and selecting new varieties out of the hundreds developed by rice breeders. During three years multiple stakeholders are involved in...
  10. AccessAgriculture Training Video Aprovechando a los amigos de los agricultores y de las plantas locales, para que la naturaleza le ayude a manejar el cogollero y sacar una buena y sana cosecha. Idiomas disponibles: Amhárico Bambara Bangla Chichewa / Nyanja Chitonga / Tonga Dholuo Dioula Español...