Los agricultores y cultivadores de las regiones áridas y semiáridas del mundo enfrentan dos problemas asociados pero separados, que limitan los cultivos que pueden producir y su rendimiento. El problema subyacente es la falta de la lluvia necesaria para cultivar plantas. El segundo es la acumulación de sales en la zona radicular. Los dos están relacionados entre sí, pero no necesariamente ocurren al mismo tiempo.

Las plantas necesitan una cierta cantidad de sales solubles, pero el exceso de sales en la zona radicular reduce el crecimiento de la planta al alterar la absorción de agua. Cuando el contenido de sal del agua del suelo es mayor que el del agua dentro de las células de la planta, las raíces de la planta no pueden absorber el agua del suelo e incluso pueden perder agua en el suelo. El exceso de sales en el suelo también puede provocar toxicidades o desequilibrios específicos de iones. En algunos casos, la cura para estos problemas es simplemente mejorar el drenaje. Sin embargo, los problemas de salinidad suelen ser más complejos y requieren un manejo adecuado del suelo, así como el uso de cultivos tolerantes a la sal.

  1. Recurso clave
    17/8/2016 Los productores y hortelanos en las regiones semi-áridas y áridas del mundo enfrentan dos problemas asociados pero separados que limitan los cultivos que pueden sembrar y su rendimiento. El problema subyacente es la falta de las lluvias necesarias para la siembra de las plantas. El segundo es la...
  2. Recurso clave 1/1/1990 The agricultural use of saline water or soils can benefit many developing countries. Salt-tolerant plants can utilize land and water unsuitable for salt-sensitive crops (glycophytes) for the economic production of food, fodder, fuel, and other products. Halophytes (plants that grow in soils or...
  3. 19/1/2016 Prof. Dov Pasternak working in Israel, was among the pioneers of drip irrigation. He researched irrigation with saline water and conducted domestication of arid land crops. He received a UNESCO Chair for his work on desert research. For over 10 years Prof. Pasternak worked as Principal Scientist...
  4. Abstract, In order to evaluate the effects ofSalsola sodaL. andPortulaca oleraceaL. used as companion plants on growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in salt stress conditions, a trial was conducted in soil-filled benches of a greenhouse in Central Italy. The plant...
  5. In recent years, salinity has become the most important issue in fields, gardens and greenhouses as well. This, of course, has forced us to control saline areas, and therefore, many control mechanisms that have been put forward. Many of them (genetics, biochemical and physical) have not brought...
  6. Abstract, 2018, Sustainability Saline irrigation water can lead to salt buildup and reduced crop yields. Halophytic plants are known to accumulate excess salts in tissues, removing them from the immediate environment. This two-phase experiment explored the feasibility of intercropping watermelon...
  7. Abstract, 2008, Soil & Water Research Soil and water salinization are affecting an increasing number of countries in the world, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, and cause sensible reductions of agricultural land extension and of crop yields. Consociation with halophytic plants is a...
  8. This handbook is written for farmers, and agricultural extension officers in government and nongovernment organisations. Our aim is to provide a simple accessible account of saline agricultural practices for irrigated land in Pakistan.
  9. Abstract, 2017, Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Salt-induced land degradation has gradually increased in several major irrigation schemes within arid and semiarid regions. To maximize crop productivity under saline conditions, either salt tolerance crops should be cultivated or areas...
  10. Abstract, Annals of Botany, 2014 Recruiting wild halophytes with economic potential was suggested several decades ago as a way to reduce the damage caused by salinization of soil and water. A range of cultivation systems for the utilization of halophytes have been developed, for the production of...
  11. 1/8/1954 It is the purpose of this handbook to bring together and summarize information that will be useful, particularly to professional agricultural workers, for the diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. It is a practical guide for those who are confronted with soil, plant, and water...
  12. This volume explores the food and fuel production potential of various high-salinityenvironments, including arid and semiarid land areas, open oceans and bodies of brackish water, and land exposed to irrigation for prolonged periods of time. The development of salt-tolerant crops is discussed,...
  13. 1/1/2006 This handbook provides a simple identification guide to 125 wild and cultivated plant species in the United Arab Emirate, both common plants and rare ones. These plants are illustrated in color and described in detail to help naturalists, agriculturalist and scientists make positive...
  14. 19/1/2016 Prof. Dov Pasternak working in Israel, was among the pioneers of drip irrigation. He researched irrigation with saline water and conducted domestication of arid land crops. He received a UNESCO Chair for his work on desert research. For over 10 years Prof. Pasternak worked as Principal Scientist...
  15. AccessAgriculture Training Video El compost de lombrices aumenta la fertilidad del suelo y ayuda a producir más hortalizas en suelos pobres y salados. Aquí aprenderemos a hacer compost de lombrices rápida y fácilmente en una pequeña parcela de tierra. Idiomas disponibles Ateso Aymara Bambara...
  16. Scientistshave used bacteriafound in roots of salt-tolerant plants to successfully inoculate alfalfa plants against overly salty soil. “We take the roots of these salt-tolerant plants (called halophytes), grind them up and grow the bacteria in a petri dish in the lab,” Nielsen said. “Doing this,...
  17. 1/1/1985 452 pages, illustrated, photos
  18. Sami Ullah Khan, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani, Waseem Ahmed, Shahzad Ahmed and Alvina Gul,Submitted: December 16th, 2019Reviewed: April 1st, 2020Published: June 29th, 2020,DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.92345 Fodder beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. maritima) belongs to the Amaranthaceae family. It was introduced...

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