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  1. [Editor’s Note: This article seeks to address the broader challenges of food security in refugee camp environments, of which there are many within our Asia region, while offering individual practical options that may be implemented to address the need for nutritional diversity in these...
  2. Key Resource Introduction Given the proper facilities necessary to store seeds long-term, whereby low temperature and low humidity are kept stable over time, it is very possible to store most orthodox seeds for several years at a time in the tropics (Harrington, 1972). Unfortunately, implementation and...
  3. 2019-08-30 Featured in this AN Backyard Vermicomposting Systems: Examples from Myanmar New Book Spotlight: Animal Integration and Feeding Strategies for the Tropical Smallholder Farm
  4. Abstract, International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 2017 This review paper discusses the multipurpose uses of minor fruit Burmese grape (Baccaurea ramiflora Lour.).Burmese grape is a tree of tropical region of South East Asia mainly grown in Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar,...
  5. Abstract, Molecules, 2019 Medicinal plants are a reservoir of biologically active compounds with therapeutic properties that over time have been reported and used by diverse groups of people for treatment of various diseases. This review covers 15 selected medicinal plants distributed in Myanmar,...
  6. Sauropus androgynus or also known as Sweet Leaf is a tropical shrub growing about 2-3m tall. It has small red flowers, compound dark green and oval leaves, and purple fruits. Mainly found throughout Southeast Asia, it is often cultivated as leaf vegetable. The leaves are used medicinally to treat...
  7. Abstract,Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 2015 Sauropus androgynusL. Merr. is one of the most popular herbs in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and China where it was known as a slimming agent until two outbreaks of pulmonary dysfunction were reported in Taiwan and Japan in 1995 and 2005,...
  8. Abstract, ScienceDirect, 2006 Alpiniagalanga(L.) Sw. (Zingiberaceae) is commonly known by various names asgalangal, greater galangal, Java galangal and Siameseginger(English). The related species areA. officinarum HanceandA. calcarata Rosc., which are known as lesser galangal. All the three...
  9. Abstract, 2006 Ficus (Fig) species have a wide range of distribution and uses in Nepal. Of the 36 Ficus species native to Nepal, 21 are indigenously used as food, fodder, fuel wood, vegetable, medicine, etc. and some are used religeously in Nepal, and 10 in the closer study area. Ficus religiosa...
  10. Asian Garden 2 Table LLC is a small “mom & pop” family business, dedicated to the purpose of purveying information, material goods and services related to the gardening, preparation, and consumption of fresh vegetable based meals. As you can see from the site, we offer tips on urban/suburban...