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  1. 2019-10-04 Example of Value-added farm products- Turmeric operation at Aloha House, Palawan, Philippines
  2. 2019-10-04 Example of Value-added farm products- Straw Factory operation at Aloha House, Palawan, Philippines
  3. 2019-10-04
  4. 2019-10-04 In this workshop, the Global Seed Savers Philippines team will cover basic seed saving practices and tips. Some local ways of saving seeds will also be touched upon.
  5. 2019-10-02 Recycling food waste is still fairly limited, especially in low- and middle-income settings,although this is by far the largest fraction of all generated municipal waste. 40% - 60% oflandfill is food waste. Black Soldier Fly (BSF), Hermetia illucens, is an approach that hasobtained much attention...
  6. 2019-10-02 A discussion of diversified income streams for small farms as experienced in our time at Mae Mut Garden. A gradual approach towards generating additional income without changing the basic farm model and structure How food growing and processing, small scale tourism, volunteering and educational...
  7. 2019-10-02 Food smart city is an ongoing initiative among different Rikolto regions where we facilitate knowledge-sharing and learning, with the hope to make a further contribution to the international food agenda.
  8. 2019-10-02 According to various reports from the United Nations and many NGOs, Nepal is vulnerable to food insecurity due to natural disaster (flooding, earthquakes), political turmoil (recent border blockade), and seasonal issues with too much or not enough water. Like elsewhere in the world urbanization...
  9. 2019-10-01 This presentation is a summary version of the information provided during the Mae Mut Garden workshops minus the practical aspect. We aim to show that natural building is a very easy technique to learn and requires no special skills, as well as having a number of environmental and financial...
  10. 2019-10-01 This workshop will be given in English with Thai translation. Animal feed represents 70% of the costs involved in modern animal production. This creates a significant problem for small-scale farmers as it allows for very little financial margin. This workshop will explore how to reduce this...