1. 01.01.1995 Soon nach dem Anfangen eines bedeutenden Programms in erneuerbare Energie in 1979, VITA (Volunters in Technischer Hilfe) finden Sie, daß viele von die Fachausdrücke benutzten im allgemeinen in erneuerbar Energie-Literatur wurde nicht verstanden durch viele des laypeople für das die Informationen...
  2. This book is written with the objective of bringing together recent knowledge in the sciences of microbiology, physiology, metabolism and feed evaluation pertaining to the energy nutrition of ruminants. Itis intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students specializing in animal nutrition.
  3. 20.01.2007 Used motor oil is used to "paint" poles for a fence or poles for houses (mud hut construction) or to "paint" the roofing timbers.
  4. 20.10.2006 Several times over the years, we have received requests for information about what can be done to recycle used motor oil. Though this is not an agricultural question, it is a common issue faced even in remote rural areas. The two-fold question is how to make use of a potential resource and how to...
  5. 20.10.2007 All of us must be wondering how smallholder farmers that we serve, as well as global consumers of food around the world, will be affected by the enormous efforts being made in both temperate and tropical countries to grow their own fuel and move toward energy independence.
  6. Support Green Communities(SGC)was founded to bringhigh level consulting and best practicesto power and telecommunications projects indeveloping countrieswith a strong emphasis on building key competencies and capacity in local teams. The organization provides high level consulting for clients in...
  7. Founded in the Netherlands in 1965, we have built a long-term, local presence in countriesin Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global team of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses andorganisationswith the tools, knowledge and connectionsthey...