1. Having good sources for understanding the focus of ECHO and its many friends and partners is important. How many smallholderfarmers are there? What is their impact on the worldwide food supply? What is that impact on a regional or country basis? Where should the international community focus more...
  2. 1987-01-12 Environmentally Sound Improvement of Livestock Management Farmer participatory research Traditional resource use by cattle keepers Integration of livestock and crops in a smallholding Poultry keeping Animal first aid workers Local knowledge
  3. Abstract, FAO, 1999 Some of the wide range of feed materials suitable for poultry in developing countries is listed in the order of their availability to small holders. Most are already fully utilised. A simple method for determining the amount of feed material available in a region for a chicken...
  4. 2019-01-01 Sustainable intensification has recently been developed and adopted as a key concept and driver for research and policy in sustainable agriculture. It includes ecological, economic and social dimensions, where food and nutrition security, gender and equity are crucial components. This book...
  5. 2009-01-01 Small ruminants, such as sheep and goats, fit well into smallholder farming systems: cheap to buy and maintain, easy to work with and to market, they are widely distributed throughout the world, but policy-makers and administrators tend to overlook their contributions to the economy and rural and...
  6. 2010-01-01 This book is a practical guide for farmer's organizations wishing to enter the organic export market.With increasing global demand and premium prices, farmers in developing countries can benefit enormously from the opportunities offered by trade in organic products. This Agrodok shares the...
  7. 2021-01-20 The Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics publishes papers dealing with original research and review papers in the fields of plant production, animal nutrition and animal husbandry, soil science, rural economy and farm management, forestry and forest economy,...
  8. 2018-02-22 Green Leafy Vegetables and Powders for Improved Nutrition in Honduras Member Highlight: Elioena Arauz,Artists for Soup, Nicaragua Echoes from our Network: Deep Litter System ECHO Resource Highlight: Green Leafy Vegetables Technical Note Spotlight: "Linking Smallholder Farmers to Markets"
  9. This article is from ECHO Asia Note # 35. 如果想要实现您所拥有的农场或花园的可持续化,您能做到最好的一件事就是努力使其与一个小型家畜单元之间实现良好的共存和平衡。在本人所著的《热带可持续农业》一书中,家畜一体化是农业可持续发展的基础支持。如果您读过《ECHO 亚洲笔记》,您就很有可以更加容易的参与到农业和园艺工作之中。家畜不仅能够产出成本低且质量高的粪肥,同时还能产出用来食用或制造衣物的食物或材料。尽管科学家试图复制传统畜牧系统一体化的好处,但具体量化结果并不总是很容易的在现场试验中显示出来。
  10. Humid Tropics Series I is a collection of guidelines for small farms in the humid tropics. 3 Copies