1. 1986-01-01 Ests manual esta dirugido a los trabjadores destinados a trabajos de campo o para los promotores del desarrollo en todas partes del mundo, como usted! El manual es el resultado de un proyecto de entrnamieto para promotores de desarrollo, llevado a cabo en Sri Lanka. Estos promotores de desarrollo...
  2. 关键资源 1990-01-01 Income generation schemes in urban areas of the Third World are many and varied. However, too often such schemes fail to achieve sustainable economic viability and depend on continued funding by development agencies. This book examines the reasons for failures or successes and stresses that those...
  3. 关键资源 2005-01-08 People are expected to work to be able to earn their daily bread. But in a world with increasing levels of unemployment, it gets harder every day to find work. This book presents a variety of methodologies to respond to this need, and explains how the promotion of productive economic activity...
  4. 关键资源 2002-06-10 This book presents the findings and a comparative analysis of seven case studies that challenge current beliefs about good practice in the provision of business development services (BDS) to small and microenterprises. The book also highlights issues concerning the assessment of impact,...
  5. 1999-10-19 Information and experience producing Paprika peppers. Paprika belongs to the species ofCapsicum annuum, which includes both pungent and sweet peppers. Peppers belong to the larger family of Solanaceae which includes tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and “Irish” potato...
  6. 2003-01-20 Lately we have received a number of letters wanting to know about marketing moringa products. In particular, several farmer groups in Uganda have written to say that they are growing a considerable number of moringa trees and now are asking us where to sell the products.
  7. 2018-08-05